How to tie a scarf around your neck?

Summer is farther, the days are colder, which means that it's time to think about the beautiful and warm accessories that will warm us in the fall. A scarf is one of the most beautiful things that this year can be in your wardrobe. While it's only beginning to get cold, it can be small silk handkerchiefs , later their place will be occupied by models made of wool, more voluminous and warmer. There are a huge number of ways to stylishly tie a scarf around your neck, and in this article we will cover some of them.

How to tie a small handkerchief around your neck?

Models of scarves of small size are usually lighter than their larger brethren. Usually such accessories are made of silk and chiffon fabrics with a fantasy pattern. In order to make it possible to beautifully tie a shawl suitable models with a size of 50 × 50 cm or more.

Method one. This option is fashionable to tie a scarf around the neck consists of the following:

  1. First you need to roll it in length so that you get a silk ribbon about 10-15 cm wide.
  2. This tape needs to wrap the neck once. On each side should remain ends of a scarf about the same length.
  3. Loose ends once again wrap around the neck and fasten in front of a tight double knot.
  4. The remaining free ends are straightened out and fit nicely on the chest.

Method two. We tie a scarf around the neck according to the principle of a pioneer tie:

  1. Just like in the previous version, we fold the handkerchief along.
  2. We encircle the neck so that the ends of the kerchief are in front.
  3. The right free end is wrapped around the left to make a loop.
  4. Stretch the left end of the kerchief in a loop and tighten the knot.

Way the third. To tie a handkerchief with a rose on her neck:

  1. We spread the handkerchief on a solid surface.
  2. We connect two opposite corners of the kerchief.
  3. We stretch the free corners into the resulting loop.
  4. We tie a scarf around his neck.

How to tie a large handkerchief around your neck?

A beautifully tied large scarf around your neck will not only warm you, but also secrete from the crowd. Shawls of a larger size can be made from both silk and warmer materials: wool and acrylic. They can be worn until late autumn on the neck, and also beautifully tied on the head. Some of the schemes of the outset proposed by us are purely decorative (method 3), others (1 and 2) will save you from the piercing wind and autumn cold.

Method one. This method is also suitable for small kerchiefs:

  1. Fold the handkerchief on the corner and wrap the neck so that this angle is on the chest.
  2. Loose ends of the kerchief forward and tie it over.
  3. We remove the corner of the scarf under the collar of the jacket or cloak.
  4. Variation of this method for a large kerchief: we tie the ends of the kerchief at an angle or leave it free to hang, and let the angle freely hang over the clothes.

Method two. We need a small ring - you can take something from jewelry:

  1. Fold the handkerchief on the corner.
  2. On the one hand we put on our ring.
  3. We circle around the neck, leaving the corner in front. The ring should be somewhere in the middle of the chest and slightly pull one side of the kerchief.
  4. We tie a handkerchief from behind.

Way the third. One of the simplest, but from this no less stylish:

  1. Straighten the handkerchief. We take it for one edge so that most of the scarf was below.
  2. We encircle the handkerchief around the neck.
  3. We tie it. We hide a small edge inside the scarf, and place the big edge on the side.

There are many more ways to tie a scarf, but we tried to select the most simple and interesting for you. Let's hope that our instructions help you.