Hair on the chin of women - reasons

There are 2 types of hair - rod (terminal) and gun. The first type is characterized by increased stiffness, intense pigmentation and a large size in diameter. Pushkin hair is much thinner, shorter and almost colorless, it is they that cover most of the woman's body, including the face. Under the influence of some factors, follicles of the latter type can be converted into stem bulbs, creating a lot of cosmetic and psychological problems for women. Especially unpleasant hair on the chin in women - the causes of this phenomenon may consist of hypertrichosis or hirsutism. Despite the similarity of these pathologies, they should be differentiated because of different approaches to treatment.

Why on the chin do women have plenty of pushrod hair?

A large number of thin, light and not too long hairs on the chin indicates a hypertrichosis. This condition can be caused by the following factors:

Sometimes on the chin, hair grows in women with diabetes mellitus - the causes of this symptom are acute disruptions in the endocrine system, and the phenomenon under consideration is called Achard-Thiers syndrome.

The reasons for the growth of black hair on the chin in women

The degradation of bulbous bulbs of hair and the transformation of them into terminal follicles, as a rule, is a sign of hirsutism. In most cases, the cause of the described disease is hyperandrogenism - increased production of male sex hormones in the body of a woman. It occurs due to such factors:

In addition, hirsutism develops for the following reasons: