Hydrangea garden - planting and care

Very bright and spectacular flower hydrangea garden is very elegantly looked on flowerbeds and suburban areas. And, as a group landing, and a single plant. The most exquisitely beautiful hydrangea complements the landscape, where green lawns and coniferous plants are represented.

Hortensia refers to semishrubs, which in height reach one and a half meters. These bushes can be of different shapes - both spreading and erect. The hydrangea is very popular with gardeners due to the luxurious large globular inflorescences, which can be painted in a variety of colors. White, pink, red, blue and even blue - the choice is huge! However, the leaves of hydrangeas are no less outstanding - bright, juicy, large. In general, the beauty is incredible!


How to propagate a garden hydrangea, experienced gardeners know firsthand - it's a troublesome business and does not always end successfully. The fact is that the reproduction of hydrangea garden must be carried out only from grassy cuttings, cut from the basal shoot. It will take several months for the plant to adapt, settle down, and only after four years it can be transplanted to a permanent place on the open ground. In addition, the cuttings need special and thorough care. That is why in 99% of cases, gardeners prefer to buy already grown plants, which are ready for transplantation, in specialized nurseries.

Single seedlings are planted in prepared pits, the width of which should be at least half a meter, and the depth - about 40 centimeters. If you plan to create a hydrangea from a hedge, then the width of the strip should be no less than a meter. Note that the plants should be planted at a distance of two meters from each other!

The season of hydrangea gardening transplantation depends on the climate: in the south the plant can be rooted in spring and autumn, and in the north - only in spring. If planting is carried out in spring, then the roots of the cut should be shortened, and on annual shoots leave no more than 5 buds. Then the finished ridges should be mulched with peat and compost . However, the correct planting of hydrangea garden is not everything, and care requires proper attention. If, for example, the soil is not rich enough with organic substances and minerals, then do not ask why the hydrangea garden does not bloom. Clay soil and krasnozemy - the best soil for this plant, and sandy soil - the worst. If your pet grows in an alkaline and neutral soil, then it will take a long time to wait when it blooms. It is possible to acidify the soil - feeding hydrangeas with garden brown peat, sawdust and litter (half rotted pine or spruce needles) will correct the situation.


And now about how to care for a garden hydrangea, when it blooms and when it is at rest.

If the plant after transplantation into the open ground has taken root, it can be exhaled - in the future special skills, time and knowledge are not required. Adult hydrangea garden - a plant unpretentious, the disease bypasses its side. Attention requires only the roots. They have superficial hydrangeas, that is, they are prone to drying out. That's why you should not allow the earthen coma to dry out. During flowering plants should be watered daily (preferably in the early morning), and once in 5-8 days loosen the soil at a depth of ten centimeters. Fertilizing fertilizers - no more than once a month.

If the inflorescence of hydrangeas is very large and bulky, it is better to provide the plant with a garter. In addition, in order to rejuvenate in October, the garden hydrangea is pruned, and for the winter it should be prepared , reliably covered, bent branches to the ground.