Increased spleen in the child

The increased size of the spleen in children is most often found during ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Since this body has not been studied enough, it is impossible to immediately make a verdict, which caused the spleen to increase in the child. About this, what provokes in children this phenomenon and how diagnostics is carried out, this article will be discussed.

The size of the spleen in children is normal

Increased sizes of the spleen for newborns in the first days of their life are considered the norm. Subsequently, the spleen gradually grows with the rest of the organs. With ultrasound, the measured size of the spleen is always compared not only with the age of the child, but also with its height and weight.

The spleen with normal dimensions can not be detected by simple palpation. This can be done only when it increases several times. It is not necessary to independently determine the size of the spleen by the method of palpation. Palpation of the spleen in children should only be handled by a specialist, since this organ is very easy to injure.

Why does the child have an enlarged spleen?

The spleen is one of the protective organs of the body. It produces antibodies to fight infections, and also performs several auxiliary functions, for example, compensates for high blood pressure.

Among the main reasons for the increase in spleen in children, experts note the presence of infectious diseases or blood diseases.

The main diseases, the suspicion of which can fall first, include:

The final diagnosis on the basis of a single ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with an enlarged spleen is not set. Specialists, as a rule, prescribe additional examinations, during which the possible causes of enlarged spleen are excluded.

Sometimes it is required to take the tissue of the spleen for additional investigation, but in children this is done in extreme cases, as taking tissues is dangerous by internal bleeding.

In the absence of additional symptoms and the presence of tests in the norm, doctors recommend to repeat the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in six months.

Spleen cyst in the child

The presence of cysts in the spleen in a child is also detected by chance, during ultrasound. The type of cure for the spleen cyst completely depends on its size. If the cyst is less than 3 cm, the child is registered with a specialist. Parents will need 2-3 times a year to make ultrasound of the spleen and computed tomography of the child's abdominal cavity.

Surgical intervention is performed when cysts of medium and large size are detected, as well as during their inflammation, growth or rupture. In some cases, if the spleen is not preserved, the organ is completely removed.