How to wash a mirror without getting divorced?

Washing windows and mirrors is a simple process. But it is unpleasant that even after a qualitative washing on the surface may remain ugly divorce. Let's find out why they appear and how to remove the stains from the mirror.

Why are there stains on the mirror?

Divorce may occur:

Cleaning the mirrors without streaks

To eliminate these factors, you should choose the right means for cleaning the mirrors.

For a long time mistresses used clean water and newspapers. This method still remains the most universal, albeit labor-intensive. However, remember that the ink used to print newspapers contains some lead, which can be dangerous if you have a child at home. In this case, it is better to change the newspaper to plain white paper.

It is best to wash the mirror without getting divorced, adding a little ammonia to the clean water. This will help to cope with traces of hairspray and other cosmetic products, which can be splashed your mirror.

If you do not have allergies to household chemicals, you can use one of the means for washing mirrors sold at hardware stores ("Mr. Muscle", "Clin", "LOC" from Amway). In extreme cases, you can use the usual liquid detergent, but do not forget to rinse it thoroughly off the surface, so that no soap stains and stains remain. There are even special vacuum cleaners for cleaning glass and mirror surfaces, but their price is not always justified, unless you, of course, work in a cleaning company.

In order to get rid of the already existing divorces, use special microfibre napkins. If you do not have one, you can use also improvised tools - gauze or kapron, folded in several layers, or a clean rag. A good result is given by a special brush with an elastic band on the end - as a rule, any mirror can be rubbed with it without divorce.