Ways to wash dishes without detergents - off with chemistry!

Daily dishwashing is an integral part of every housewife's homework. For the most rapid achievement of the result, the modern market offers a huge number of specially developed products that are able, according to the advertisement, to wash even the dirtiest and greasy dishes in cold water. All this is certainly wonderful, but it is worth paying attention to the composition of these most detergents and all your joy will immediately evaporate.

The composition of any modern detergent includes surface-active substances (surfactants), alkaline salts of weak inorganic acids, salts of peroxides, natural bactericides, foam stabilizers, chlorine and flavors. And most importantly - all these substances harmful to the human body are very difficult to wash off the surface of the dishes. Thus, they enter our stomachs, where they begin to act as well as on the surface of the dishes. As a result, our constant companions of life are ulcers, gastritis, allergies and many other diseases.

Of course, now there is also a huge amount of environmental detergents for washing dishes, but they are unlikely to 100% protect you, besides, and they are quite expensive. How to be? In solving this problem, old folk remedies used by our ancestors will come to your aid.

Wash dishes without detergents

  1. Dry mustard. This is one of the most effective folk methods, since it is mustard that perfectly draws in itself fat and gives the dishes an excellent shine of purity. In a large bowl with warm water, add a couple of teaspoons of mustard and wash the dishes in this water. Start washing is with small items - spoons, forks, cups, glasses, then plates and, last but not least - pots and pans. Then it should be rinsed with clean cold water and wiped thoroughly. Also, the dishes can simply be rubbed with paste from mustard and water. To do this, moist damp sponge in mustard, put on the dishes, and then rinse.
  2. Baking soda. This is another good tool for washing dishes. Baking soda perfectly flushes grease, black scurf, deodorizes, softens water and neutralizes its acidic taste. The principle of its use is the same as dry mustard. However, there is one "but". Soda can scratch the dishes with a special coating, so it should be used selectively.
  3. Household soda. This is a stronger alkali, which, moreover, has higher abrasive properties. Since this is a rather caustic remedy, it is recommended to work with it in gloves. Household soda can clean even the smokiest frying pans , for this purpose it is enough to fill a glass of soda in a bucket of water, put the dishes in a solution and leave them for a while, after which you can easily clean it.
  4. Vinegar. With fat, of course, he can not cope, but he will perfectly disinfect, and also remove mold and bacteria from the dishes. The best vinegar copes with the contamination of glassware. Glasses, wine glasses, wine glasses and other glassware can be washed in warm water with a small amount of vinegar, after which it can easily be rubbed to a dazzling gloss.
  5. Laundry soap. This is one of the oldest universal tools that can replace a huge number of different household chemical products. Soap perfectly flushes any dishes from the dishes, leaving no smell. It is used both in solid form, and make from it household liquid for washing dishes.

Using simple and easily accessible folk remedies for washing dishes, you not only save your family budget, but also take care of the health of every member of your family!