Domestic Violence Against Women

No loving woman is immune from the fact that the hand of someone who, it would seem, yesterday, was the personification of an angelic deity, will rise on her. Violence in the family over the woman is unacceptable. And each, self-respecting person, it is necessary to know what to do and to whom to address in such cases.

Physical abuse in the family

The problem of family violence is relevant today. Every sane person realizes that the word "house" should evoke only warm memories, pleasant sensations, and not raise a storm of negative emotions filled with suffering.

According to statistics, domestic violence occurs in every fifth family. Many members of such unfortunate families do not consider it appropriate for someone to talk about it. Worse, loving spouses fear a re-wave of male anger and each time inspire themselves that " Beats means loves ."

Psychology of Domestic Violence

Often, those who try to prove their rightness or assert themselves at any cost raise their hands to close people. Basically, this person suffers from complexes. He seems to be offended by the whole world. It is not excluded that such a person with a wretched inner world does not have enough strength to cope with the influx of emotions.

A family tyrant can use sexual violence in his family, which leads not only to the physical problems of the victim, but also to psychological trauma.

Violence in the family - where to go?

If you were subjected to violence. Be courageous and change your life for the better by contacting the following authorities:

  1. International Center for the Protection of Women's Rights. The phone number can be found on the Internet depending on the country of your residence.
  2. Office for Family, Youth and Sports.
  3. Center for Social Services for the Family, Children and Youth.

Prevention of domestic violence

It will not be superfluous to remember that conflicts arise because of misunderstanding or abuse of alcohol . Therefore, in order to prevent family violence, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid shouting, talking in elevated tones.
  2. Be wiser and at the moment of the heat of passion you learn how to leave the discussion.
  3. Knowing the nature of the character of a loved one, decide on the time when he will be in his right mind and will be able to explain to you the cause of his discontent.

Respect and love yourself, never and never let anyone treat you like a slave.