Diet for the girl

Diet for a girl is a forced measure provided for childhood obesity. Such a food system is significantly different from that offered for adults. Its main feature - the child should not be limited in the amount of food, he should eat a variety, but it is correct. Any rigid restrictions are strictly forbidden.

For example, a diet for children of 10 years and, in particular, for girls, should be built in such a way that the young organism receives the energy it needs for life and growth. The daily diet should be divided into at least 5 meals.

An approximate menu for a 10-year-old girl looks like this:

Diet for a 12-year-old girl

At this age, girls are actively developing, their body most in need of protein foods. It should be emphasized, but the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, soda and fast food . During the day, you must include in the menu sour-milk products, boiled eggs, boiled lean meat and low-fat fish.

Diet for a 14-year-old girl

In adolescence, girls begin hormonal changes in the body, so fasting, even for the sake of a beautiful figure, is strictly contraindicated. In addition, because of hormonal bursts, skin problems may occur. Therefore, the daily menu should be built very carefully. All foods that provoke irritation of the digestive organs are excluded from the diet, and consumption of spicy, fatty, excessively salty and sweet food should also be limited.