Inflammation of the auricle

In official medicine, inflammation of the auricle is called the perichondritis of the external ear. The disease develops as a result of infection of the connective tissue that covers the cartilage.

Symptoms of inflammation of the auricle

The signs of erysipelas of the auricle include:

The pain is so strong that it often causes insomnia. The inflammatory process quickly spreads to the entire organ.

With a purulent form, the temperature rarely exceeds 39 ° C. Inflammation can occur in a limited area or spread to almost the entire surface of the organ. Only the lobe of the auricle remains untouched, since there is no cartilaginous tissue in it.

Treatment of an ear infection

If you do not start timely treatment of the inflammation of the auricle, the cartilage literally "dissolves," which leads to deformity of the organ.

The scheme of prescription of drugs with purulent and serous forms differs, but in any case the following methods are used:

  1. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. The choice of drugs depends on the type of pathogen.
  2. Local therapy. Use lotions of boric acid, as well as alcohol.
  3. Physiotherapy. UFO, UHF, UHF , X-ray therapy are recommended.

With extensive suppuration, treatment of an ear infection can be performed surgically. During the procedure, a section of the cartilage that has undergone necrotic changes is cut through the incision along the contour of the organ.

In order not to bring the case to the operation, at the first signs of inflammation, contact the otolaryngologist.