UHF Physiotherapy

The effect on the human body of an ultrahigh-frequency electric field (pulsed or constant) has long been used in medicine. UHF physiotherapy is effective in the treatment of predominantly inflammatory processes, especially acute nature with the formation of pus. In some cases, it is recommended to use it to improve the condition of the patient with locomotor disorders.

Features and mechanism of action of UHF physiotherapy

The presented technique is carried out with the help of a special apparatus - a generator of ultrahigh-frequency current. Condenser plates are connected to it, through which the produced oscillations act on tissues and organs. Due to the fact that the human body practically does not absorb the electric high-frequency field, it can penetrate very deeply. Plates with charge accumulation function are usually arranged in such a way that the area to be affected is located between them, and oscillations permeate through it.

UHF physiotherapy produces the following effect:

In addition, this treatment significantly increases the circulation of lymph and blood, increases the activity and the number of leukocytes, suppresses the reproduction of bacteria and slows the penetration of toxic substances into the body. Therefore, it is most often used to treat purulent inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, and ears.

UHF physiotherapy with bronchitis

In the fight against this disease requires a comprehensive approach and additional physiotherapy procedures, such as inhalation, exposure to the magnetic field, ultraviolet irradiation and, of course, UHF sessions.

In obstructive, respiratory, acute and asthmatic bronchitis this method of therapy allows you to achieve rapid subsidence of the inflammatory process, improve the outflow of mucus with purulent contents. UHF is assigned a course of 5-7 sessions of 10 minutes. Procedures should be performed daily in mild thermal dosages, not more than 30 W.

UHF physiotherapy with genyantritis

If there is no fever and a periodic increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, this treatment method helps stop the growth of bacterial colonies in the maxillary sinuses and accelerate the creation of a protective leukocyte barrier in the propagation of pathogens. In addition, UHF promotes vasodilation, which facilitates the washing of the nose and the removal of mucous aggregations from it.

The procedures are conducted around 15 minutes in 15 daily sessions. The strength of the current is selected depending on the degree of the disease. With a marked improvement in the patient's condition, the intensity of exposure is reduced.

UHF for otitis

Physiotherapy is effective both in the treatment of acute otitis, and during relapses of the chronic form of the disease. In the early stages of the inflammatory process, no more than 5-6 procedures are required for 5-7 minutes. In this case, the ear should be affected by a small (1-2 cm) air gap. The power output current is thus low - 15 watts. A purulent otitis in the started form needs to be treated longer, it is appointed up to 15 sessions.

UHF physiotherapy - contraindications

In the course of medical research, it was found that the proposed type of treatment is dangerous to use in the following situations: