20 mysterious places where it's impossible to get to a normal person

Man increasingly interferes in the laws of nature, thereby destroying unique objects. On Earth, there are prohibited for various reasons places to visit people. Now you will find out about them.

Many dream to visit all corners of our planet, but here you will face unpleasant disappointment - there are places that are inaccessible for visiting, and they can be seen, except on rare photographs.

1. Snake Reserve

In the Atlantic Ocean near Brazil there is an island on which there are no people, and the only structure existing on it is a lighthouse, but it works in an automatic mode. It is better not to interfere with a person, of course, if life is dear to him, because the island literally teems with poisonous snakes. Among them there is even the most dangerous reptile on the Earth - botrops. The Brazilian authorities decided to close the island and make it a reserve in order to protect people.

2. Secret vaults of the Vatican

On the territory of the Vatican there are storages, where important state documents, letters, securities and other historically important things that have been collected for hundreds of years. These archives are considered one of the most inaccessible objects in the world. The last time in 1881, the Pope allowed several researchers to study a number of documents for scientific purposes. All this procedure was strictly controlled.

3. Women do not belong here

In Greece, Macedonia is Mount Athos, which is home to 20 Orthodox monasteries. Not all people can see these holy places, because for women this land is closed. It is worth noting that this applies not only to people, but also to female animals. If you break the law, you'll have to stay in prison for up to a year.

4. Island with a bad history

North-Brother Island belongs to the territory of the famous New York, but to date it has been abandoned and no one lives there. Strange, of course, given the popularity of this metropolis. It's all a matter of gloomy history, because since 1885 a quarantine hospital was located here. By the way, there lived Typhoid Mary - a woman who became the first in the history of America to carry typhoid fever. In 1950, the building began to be used as a rehabilitation center for drug-dependent youth. Today people are banned from entering this island, most likely, it is dangerous for health.

5. Prohibition of human security

At an altitude of five kilometers is a high-altitude route connecting China and Pakistan - the Karakorum highway. Many people sought to drive around here to enjoy the incredible views that open from such heights. Unfortunately, now this is impossible, because recently the road was closed forever due to frequent landslides and avalanches.

6. Prohibition after death

One of the most famous sights is the ancient city of the Mayan civilization - Chichen Itza, located in Mexico. It is very popular with tourists. So, according to statistics, up to 1.5 million people come here every year. For those who have not been here yet - sad news: since 2006 the main object of the ancient city - the pyramid of Kukulkan - is closed for visiting. This is due to the death of the tourist during the descent from this facility.

7. Isolated hostile tribes

As part of India, there is the Northern Sentinel Island, which boasts of pristine beaches and a delightful nature. It's a pity, but you will not be able to see them with your own eyes, because the territory is inhabited by a local tribe that is hostile to strangers. They are so categorical in their attitudes that even went to kill several brave souls. For tourists this miracle island is closed to prevent similar bloody massacres.

8. The future capital of Russia?

The most inaccessible and mysterious city in Russia is Mizhhiria, which is "closed". Official sources say that it is in the Republic of Bashkortostan. There are no nuclear stations, military bases and other important facilities, so the "closeness" is explained by rumors that they are building the underground capital of the future. The exact version of what is happening in Mezhgore, yet.

9. The Forbidden Young Island

During volcanic activity, which lasted from 1963 to 1967, a volcanic island was formed, located in the region of the southern coast of Iceland. Access to it is allowed only to a few scientists who conduct research. The prohibition is related to the need to provide the island with natural conditions for the formation of the ecosystem.

10. Gates created by nature

On the territory of the Czech Republic there is a unique natural attraction - Pravčický Gate. This is the largest rock arch in Europe, but since 1982 tourists are forbidden to climb it. The explanation is understandable - the extra load is disastrous for the structure, which is already slowly being destroyed. Geologists have a disappointing prognosis - soon the arch completely collapses. By the way, such a terrible tragedy happened in 2017, when the Azure window collapsed - a popular attraction in Malta.

11. The incredible beauty of the desert

In Ethiopia there is a unique place - the desert of Danakil, but tourists have not come here to enjoy the beauties for a long time, but all because of constant regional wars. By the way, in this place were found the remains of Lucy - Australopithecus afar of 3.2 million years old.

12. The Phantom House

In one of the states of India is Fort Bhangar, which is a ruin of the XVII century. People living in the vicinity are afraid of this place, because they are sure that ghosts live there. No matter what the skeptics said, the authorities officially recognized this territory as a ghost house and introduced the strictest rules for visiting it. Tourists are strictly prohibited to visit here after sunset. Perhaps this is done to create an agiotage and attract people, and can ghosts really exist?

13. This is for Muslims only.

Unreal beauty of the eastern mosques of Mecca and Medina with its relics and artifacts is available only for people who believe in Allah. For other people, entry into holy cities is strictly forbidden. Important information: according to Sharia law, violation of the prohibition is punishable by death.

14. A place for the best of this world

There is an indoor private male club, which is called "Bohemian". He in America in San Francisco owns an area of ​​11 square kilometers. Bohemian grove is considered a devil place. Every year in July, since 1899, the most influential people of the world come here: the presidents of America from the Republican Party, politicians, bankers, artists and so on. Reporters and ordinary people here closed the road. Many believe that the Bohemian club is a new world government.

15. Island of human remains

It sounds scary, but the history of the island of Povella in Italy is similar to the one in New York. Once upon a time there was a quarantine hospital for people infected with the plague. There is a version that up to 160 thousand patients lived here, many of whom died there, so, according to the assumptions, 50% of the soil of this island consists of human remains. When the quarantine center was closed, a psychiatric clinic was organized, in which a huge number of people were tortured. The place is, of course, creepy, and only brave souls would like to get here, nevertheless today the island is forbidden to visit.

16. A unique bank in the mountain

Few people know that inside the mountain on a remote island that belongs to Norway, is the Global Seed Funds Bank. Yes, you did not hear, in this institution they do not store money, but seeds of different plants. The repository was organized to preserve the existing plant diversity in the event of a regional or global food crisis. At the moment about 1 million copies have been imported into it. There is an opinion that the possible number is 4.5 million.

17. For the safety of the natives

In Brazil, in the jungles of the Amazon on the border of Peru, researchers came across a small tribe of Indians (about 150 people) of Yavari, who are cut off from civilization and do not have the desire to somehow touch it. The authorities of the country, in order to preserve the tribe and nature from tourists, closed the area of ​​their residence.

18. Prohibition for the preservation of a unique nature

Near the coast of Australia is the island of Heard, which is considered one of the most remote places on Earth. On the territory there are two active volcanoes, which create a unique nature. Since 1996, the island is on the list of national treasures of the country, and it can only be accessed with a special permit.

19. Cave suffering from people

In the south-east of France there is a unique historical place - the cave Lasko, which has preserved more than 900 prehistoric art. Until now, they have been preserved thanks to the unique climate created by nature in the cave. Until 1963 tourists were allowed here, but now this place is closed. This is explained by the fact that people brought into the cave a fungus, and the excess of carbon dioxide exhaled by people, provoked the appearance on the walls of algae, which adversely affect the integrity of rock objects. Interestingly, every two weeks experts come to the cave in uniforms and carry out manual cleaning of the walls from the fungus.

20. Paradise isolated place

Practically, 50 inhabitants of the island of Pitcairn, who enjoy unity with nature, do not contact the world either. Many of the residents are direct descendants of the crew of the ship HMS Bounty, who in 1789 landed on the island, and he liked them so much that it was decided to burn the ship and stay here forever.