Mummy for hair - magical properties of mountain balsam

Useful properties of this product were described by Avicenna and Aristotle. A unique composition of minerals and vitamins of resinous substance was appreciated by modern healers. Mumiye is called "mountain balsam" because it is found in deep rock cracks in the highlands.

What is useful for the hair mummy?

Non-traditional medicine takes the mummy one of the first places in the treatment, rehabilitation and rejuvenation of patients. It harmoniously combines about 60 natural components, the action of which accelerates the regeneration of the tissues of the whole organism. Thanks to these properties, it is difficult to overestimate the benefit of the mummy for hair.

Mummy for hair growth

The origin and the full composition of the drug has not been fully studied to date. It is actively used as a tonic and refreshing remedy. Each woman will be interested to know how the mummy affects the hair:

  1. Healing components that make up it improve the process of blood circulation in the cells of the scalp, catalyzing the metabolic process. This helps to restore the hair follicle.
  2. A complex of minerals and vitamins activates oxygen metabolism in tissues, speeding up the growth of strands.
  3. The anti-inflammatory property of this product is able to eliminate the itchy scalp and cure seborrhea .
  4. Regular use of mummy contributes to the production of collagen. Your curls become more flexible and bright day by day.

Mummy from hair loss

After a long illness or during the period of hormonal adjustment, the curls lose their supply of useful substances, become brittle and lifeless. This can cause their increased loss. Solve the problem if you regularly use the mummy against hair loss - a natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals:

  1. With the help of "mountain tar" you can strengthen the roots and cure the brittle ends of your strands.
  2. This is an effective remedy to relieve dandruff, eliminate excessive fat content and prevent further loss of hair.
  3. Barakhshin or Altai mummy has antioxidant properties and protects your curls daily from the adverse effects of the surrounding space.

Mummy for hair - application

Pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in a purified form in the form of ointments, solutions and tablets. The use of the mummy for hair in tablets is manifold. To achieve the desired effect, the drug is taken orally, and as an active element for the preparation of masks. The resin solution is not recommended to be used during the treatment with antibiotics or if there is an oncology. Use of the drug for more than a month can provoke a backlash.

Mummy tablets for hair

We offer several effective and proven options how to apply the mummy for hair in tablets.

Recipe for medical aerosol


Preparation and use

Grind the tablets into powder and dissolve them in water. The prepared solution is poured into the nebulizer and uniformly applied to the head 1-2 hours before washing.

Decoction of herbs with "mountain tar" for rubbing into the root zone


Preparation and use

Mixture of herbs pour boiling water and leave for 25-30 minutes. In the resulting broth, add a powder of 2-3 tablets. Apply to the scalp and leave for 1 hour. Rinse out.

Mummy from hair loss - recipe


Preparation and use

Prepare a decoction of herbs, strain and add 3 crushed tablets of Altaic balsam. Blend the mixture into the roots and wrap the head with a woolen shawl. Rinse with water after half an hour.

Mummy for hair in shampoo

A rational and productive way to use the mummy for hair is to add it to the shampoo. You can buy a ready-made cosmetic product, but it's better to cook it yourself.

Mummy for hair in shampoo - recipe


Preparation and use

Barahshin diluted in shampoo, apply mixture and on the head and massage. For greater effect, you can leave the drug for a few minutes. Rinse off with water. Such an enriched product must be prepared each time just before use. It will not only accelerate growth, but will save your hair from dandruff. For daily use, you can dissolve 10-15 grams of active ingredient in a bottle of a conventional head cleanser.

Mask for hair with mummy

Trichologists recommend using a resin solution in the complex treatment of focal alopecia, seborrhea and other pathologies. Cope with the problem, the hair mask with mummies in tablets helps a lot. It's not difficult to cook at home. We offer a few simple and effective recipes, which can be alternated from time to time, but it is important to apply regularly.

Mask for hair - mummy and honey


Preparation and use

Dissolve the active substance in water, mix all the ingredients and place on the entire surface of the curls. Wrap a wide scarf and leave for 2 hours. Rinse your head thoroughly.

Mask with the addition of essential oils


Preparation and use

Essential oils are bred in almond oil, then you need to connect the ingredients and apply to the roots, warm first with a film, and on top - a warm kerchief. Soak for about an hour, rinse with shampoo.

Vitamin cocktail for fast fading strands


Preparation and use

Mix the resin solution with milk, add protein, apply to the roots. After an hour, the mixture can be washed off.