Inflammation of the gums - treatment with folk remedies

There are many reasons that lead to inflammation of the gums, but in most cases this phenomenon is associated with improper oral care. Regular and high-quality cleaning of teeth gives almost complete guarantee that you will not encounter this problem. But in every rule there are exceptions! If for some reason you develop gum disease, treatment with folk remedies will help restore health and prevent tooth loss.

What is the basis for folk treatment of gum disease?

The more bacteria accumulate on the teeth and gums, there will be more inflammation. The source of infection is usually:

It is not surprising that, first of all, the treatment of inflammation should be directed to the destruction of bacteria. The remedy to be used should be chosen already, proceeding from the degree of development of the disease:

To remove a slight inflammation of the gum will help such a folk remedy, like aloe juice or Kalanchoe. It should be rubbed directly into the mucosa. In more severe cases, infusions of medicinal herbs and products based on sea salt are effective.

The best folk remedies for gum disease

The most effective folk remedy for gum disease is cleaning your teeth after each meal and using dental floss. Also, for prevention, doctors recommend enriching the diet with vitamins and minerals, as well as eating a day at least one raw vegetable. The mechanical action of solid products during chewing prevents the formation of tartar. But if it comes to periodontal disease, treatment will be required.

The best folk remedies against gum disease are herbs:

They can be brewed with steep boiling water each separately, or prepare a collection for your taste. The main thing is to observe the proportions: for 1 cup of boiling water - 1 tbsp. spoon of a herbal mixture. Rinse should be done when the broth has cooled to a comfortable temperature, but has not yet become cold. The course of treatment is 10-20 days. Also, according to this scheme, you can prepare a solution of sea salt and use it in the morning and evening.