Interior design of the room

Consider the options for optimal interior design of rooms, different in their purpose.

In the design of the interior of narrow rooms - the main thing is to give the room a more extended square form. To do this, place furniture along a short wall, install a wardrobe with mirrors, divide the rooms into two zones, on one of the walls, glue wall-papers.

Making out the design of the interior of the room in the hostel , the best solution is to conduct zoning, selecting the cooking area, and the study area. Ideas for interior design for a small room are - of course, light colors for walls and floor, large mirror, transparent curtains.

The interior design variant of the living room is not easy to choose among the existing variety of styles. The interior design of the living room, where the whole family rests in the evenings, plan to be comfortable and relaxing. Join the living room with a balcony or dining room to expand the space, think through the lighting, beautifully decorate the window, pick up a beautiful carpet, upholstered furniture.

The most popular design of the bedroom is the interior design in the style of classicism. Create it will help a large bed under the old days, wallpaper pastel colors with monograms or beautiful paintings, original lamps with gilding and more.

Design the interior of the children's room for the girl together, taking into account the interests and tastes of her daughter. In the interior design of the room, both a very small daughter and a teenager, popular colors are pink, lilac, light green, yellow, and also all kinds of hearts, flowers and transparent canopies above the bed.

In the interior design of the rooms for boys, more reserved colors, such as blue and green, predominate. Boys' rooms are decorated with machine beds, bed-ships, rugs with puzzles, rugs "football field" and even sets of furniture "football stadium".