Osteoma of the frontal bone

Malignant and benign formations usually grow and develop rapidly, but the osteoma of the frontal bone is an exception to the rules. This tumor is characterized by slow growth and does not pose a threat to the body until it begins to put pressure on the brain.

Symptoms of the osteoma of the frontal bone

If the osteoma develops on the outside of the skull bones, you can notice it with the naked eye - it will be an overhanging cone, or several small tubercles, solid touch. They do not cause uncomfortable sensations, do not cause fever and redness of the skin. In the event that the osteoma is on the inner side of the frontal bone, it can be calculated from such symptoms:

If you find at least one of these indirect evidence, you should see a doctor and undergo an MRI procedure. Osteoma itself is not dangerous, but if it grows further, damage to vital brain centers is possible.

Features of treatment of the osteoma of the frontal bone

External osteoma of the frontal bone does not require treatment. It does not cause inconvenience, is not dangerous, and can cause only aesthetic displeasure. Nevertheless, the problem should not be treated lightly, since a benign neoplasm can degenerate into sarcoma. In addition, it is important to properly diagnose to exclude the option of oncology initially.

Internal osteoma of the frontal bone needs surgery. The time it takes depends on the growth rate of the tumor. If they are low, surgeons prefer to postpone surgical intervention for as long as possible, since any operation in this part The body carries a certain risk. If the osteoma grows quickly, it should be removed. The removal of the osteoma of the frontal bone is under general anesthesia. After the operation, the neurosurgeon gives the tumor tissues to a study to make sure once again that there are no malignant cells.

A week later the patient can return to the usual way of life, but he should follow certain rules:

  1. Do not lift weights.
  2. Do not lean forward.
  3. Conduct at the TV, or at the computer no more than 6 hours a day.
  4. There are more foods rich in calcium and amino acids.
  5. Maintain moderate physical activity.