Treatment of trees against pests in spring

A good harvest of fruit crops largely depends on the quality processing of the garden from pests in the spring. Warm sun rays warm not only the plants reviving from winter hibernation, but also numerous insects that overwintered in the foliage, under the bark of trees and shrubs, in the ground. Treatment of garden trees in spring from pests includes a number of agrotechnical measures.

When to treat trees from pests in the spring?

The first treatment of fruit trees occurs in early spring, until the sap flow has begun, and the buds are not yet formed. In the temperate climatic zone this is the middle-end of March. It is at this time that the crown is also cut off and the trunk is cleaned from the overgrown lichen and dead cortex. The next treatment is carried out during the formation of the kidneys, before the flowering begins. Finally, the last stage of pest control in the spring is at the end of flowering.

Measures to protect the garden from pests in the spring

Spring treatment of the garden from pests includes:

  1. Whitewashing tree trunks.
  2. Treatment of near-barren soil.
  3. Spraying with drugs.

Whitewash trunks

For whitewashing of tree trunks slaked lime was traditionally used. But that the thickness of the coating composition was sufficient, whiten the trunk is necessary twice. Currently, new tools are being used - whitewash whitewash with the addition of copper vitriol and PVA glue. Such a composition is better disinfecting the bark and lasts much longer, despite spring precipitation.

Processing of near-barren soil

Effective machining of the near-ground soil is the excavation of trees. It is required to be carried out a few days before spraying with chemical preparations. In a dug out ground, there are a lot of insects that will be raised to the surface with soil layers. Birds quickly destroy larvae and adult insects.

Treatment with drugs

The question of how to treat fruit plants in spring is very hot. It is best, of course, to do with sparing methods of spraying. For a long time and quite effectively in gardening people's means are used:

Also against the pests are applied chamomile, chilli pepper, mustard.

The impact on the environment and the human body of biological preparations is quite safe: "Fitoverm", "Barrier", "Aktofit", synthesized on the basis of soil microorganisms.

Unfortunately, chemical preparations can not always be avoided. Insecticides are widely used to control insects. For the treatment of bushes, which last year suffered from sawflies, leaf rollers and kidney mites, the means "Decis", "Marshal", "Neoron" are used. For the spraying of fruit trees, traditional compounds are intended: copper sulfate, iron vitriol, urea, Bordeaux liquid . From purchased drugs, preference should be given to combined means that destroy several types of insects, for example, emulsions "Abiga-Peak" preparations "Inta-VIR", "Kinmiks", "Karate". It is very important, after reviewing the enclosed instructions, to observe the recommended dosage. Excessive concentration of chemicals causes plant burns, death of pestles, and, consequently, a decrease in yield. In addition, misuse of insecticides has a disastrous effect on the state of the environment.

Selecting what to treat plants from pests, use a manual pump or sprayer for spraying. In order for the solution to drop out onto the surface in the form of small droplets, the tip of the apparatus should be kept about 1 m from the plant.