Why is Daniel Craig an ideal performer for the role of James Bond in the 21st century?

Do you want to believe it or not, but on March 2, the famous British actor Daniel Craig turned 50 years old. For the past 13 years, the actor has devoted the role of agent 007 to the service of Her Majesty. Why exactly was the role of a dangerous and sexual spy turned into a career in the actor's career, and for what reason did the popularity of James Bond skyrocket with the arrival of Craig's franchise? British plastic surgeons are inexorable, - in their opinion, James Bond performed by Daniel Craig - the most unattractive. He has disproportionate facial features, a large nose, deep-set eyes ...

Internet users went even further and criticized the actor without choosing expressions. He was accused of short stature and even blond hair was not a plus, but a minus of James Bond. True, such statements appeared on the network over 10 years ago, when the British actor was only approved for the role of MI6 agent.

Since then, the screens have produced as many as four films with Craig. The actor is popular among the audience, despite the imperfect appearance, and the authors of the franchise have used all possible methods of influencing the actor to persuade him to appear in the fifth film about the adventures of 007.

What is the secret of the fascination of Craig's "uncouth"?

Perhaps it's the special costumes of a special agent sitting on it, or the whole thing is in its charm and sexuality, it's not for nothing that Angelina Jolie once said that Craig kisses best in Hollywood ... It's worth noting that the Brit performs all the tricks in the films himself, and it does not matter how much it takes a take.

In our opinion, the answer is simple: an actor named Daniel Craig has nothing to do with this pretentious character and this is the key to his popularity!

The simple origin of James Bond's super agent

The actor reluctantly talks about that same kiss on the set of the adventure tape "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", but readily answers questions from journalists about his childhood, youth and early career.

The artist was born in London, in the working area of ​​Chester. From the very childhood he was sure that he would connect his life with the theater and cinema, and at the age of six he put an appropriate ultimatum to his parents.

Since then, the guy literally went and spent the night in the theatrical circles, then entered the profile college and university. However, with the roles he was not lucky - all the blame for non-aristocratic appearance:

"I do not look like an Eton graduate, look, well, which of me is an aristocrat? Because of this, I found work with difficulty. "

Agree that the guy with the face of Craig is easier to present in the films of Guy Ritchie about bandits and thugs than in the role of James Bond. When the actor was offered to embody the image of a polished superspy, he strongly doubted, because he was afraid to lose his reputation. In the Foggy Albion, Craig was known as a theater actor who can deeply penetrate into the roles and reincarnate in any characters. He could hardly imagine himself driving an Aston Martin or drinking a martini with ice.

Super agent for a new way

What does the actor think about his character? In an interview with Time Out, he confessed that ... he pities Bond:

"Pay attention - the symbol of the British mass culture is none other than a sociopath, a loner, a workaholic and a murderer. He can not maintain with women any serious and lasting relationship. I'm sad when I think about it. Bond just sleeps with all these ladies and runs away from them. Yes, it's probably great when you're young, but with age it's just not serious. "

Unlike his character, the actor was able to find his "quiet harbor" in the face of his colleague Rachel Weiss. The couple has been happily married for seven years and is raising Rachel's son from a previous marriage with director Darren Aronofsky.

But what about martini? The actor likes to drink a cup of espresso in the morning with honey, during the day he allows himself a little more espresso. And it's not about the love of a healthy life-style, it's just a job to be always in shape. By and large, Craig, with his fleshy ears and low origin, nothing more and no one needs to prove! Thanks to his charisma, the franchise, which no one has taken seriously, has found a new breath. What are the box-office charges only "007: Coordinates" Skyfoll "»! In the world box office, the film was able to earn $ 1 billion. It was this fact that reassured the actor, from now on he does not think that he was stuck in the role of a super-spy:

"I do not need to prove to anyone that I am a versatile actor and James Bond is not the limit of my abilities. I can do whatever I want! ".
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It turns out that in order to be friends with Prince Harry and to charm Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth II, it's far from necessarily being an aristocrat by birth. The secret is that in the face of a simple guy Daniel Craig Britain has found a new Bond, "Bond with eggs," as the actor says about his hero. His character has human qualities, he is restrained, simple and moderately sentimental - just Craig, Daniel Craig. For this we love it!