Kitchen-living room in Provence style

Style Provence is often used in the design of the kitchen. It allows you to create an easy unobtrusive environment and enter into a measured rhythm of village life. Perhaps that's why, finding yourself in the kitchen in the style of "French country", immediately it turns out to relax and feel at home. However, interesting examples of interior design can be observed and the example of a combined kitchen and living room. In this case, a pleasant romantic mood literally envelops the entire apartment.

Kitchen interior design ideas

To create a European "rural" style, it is not necessary to turn to the best designers and spend a cloud of money on exclusive finishing materials. You can just relax and choose unobtrusive decor elements that fit well together. Kitchen-living room in the style of Provence will look good with the following details:

  1. Natural finishing materials . Give up plastic, carpet and glass in favor of wood , metal, stone and tiles. Try to make the interior as natural and not pretentious.
  2. Use textiles . For this style, the characters are beautiful window curtains without complex draperies, all kinds of tablecloths, napkins and wicker rugs. Using textiles with a repeating pattern, you can combine the dining room and living room area.
  3. Aged furniture . For the decor of the hall, you can use body furniture made in natural colors (brown, beige, red). The same shades can be played in a dining table, chairs or a kitchen countertop. The interior is also well fit wickerwork, as well as baskets and chests, benches and cabinets.
  4. Lovely baubles . To breathe life into an apartment use vases, frames, baskets, porcelain figurines and candlesticks. Well, if the house will be placed pots with plants and cut flowers.