Bear disease - the 6 main causes of IBS and the correct treatment

Bear disease is a common pathological condition. Its second name is irritable bowel syndrome. This problem is provoked by certain factors and is accompanied by characteristic features of it. Timely treatment and diet help to ease the patient's condition.

What is a bear illness in a person?

To understand what is remarkable about this disease, the term used to describe it will help. The name of the "bear disease" is based on the behavior of the animal during stress. The hunters noticed that he was starting to suffer from severe diarrhea. A similar reaction is observed in a person with irritable bowel syndrome. Because of the disruption of the work of the psychosocial system, a bearish disease arises - why so is called, can be seen from the similarity of the pathology development mechanism.

According to statistics, 60% of those who suffer from this disease do not seek medical help. They are trying on their own to cope with the solution of the problem. They functional disorders can last a long period of time: 10-12 weeks per year. In the group at high risk are young people, whose age ranges from 25 to 40 years.

Bear disease - causes

There are many factors provocating the development of this disease. The reason for the irritable bowel syndrome is as follows:

  1. Irrational nutrition - more often a pathological condition occurs with an unbalanced menu. The situation is aggravated by the excess in the diet of products containing preservatives, stabilizers and other harmful additives.
  2. Excessive stress - it can include not only violent negative emotions, but also long-standing experiences. Their contribution is brought by fears and doubts: they negatively affect the work of the nervous system. It controls the functioning of all organs, including the intestine.
  3. Dysbacteriosis - due to a violation of the metabolism of bile acids, problems with digestion of carbohydrate products begin. There is a failure in the digestive tract. As a result, the pathogenic microflora intensively multiplies in the intestine. The toxins released by it irritate the walls of the digestive tract.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle - provokes hypodynamia , as a result of a bearish disease.
  5. Ignoring the urge to defecate - if the natural reflex is suppressed, he can disappear altogether. There are many reasons for this, for example, parking at work, unwillingness to use a public toilet or cramped circumstances.
  6. Abuse of laxatives - with too intense stimulation of the intestinal wall, this organ ceases to react to ordinary stimuli.

Bear disease - symptoms

This pathological condition is accompanied by certain signs. IBS syndrome of irritable bowel symptoms has these:

Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea

In a similar pathological condition, the following signs are observed:

  1. Strong desires for defecation - they can overcome many times a day. More often this disorder is observed in the morning hours, as well as during meals.
  2. Pain in irritable bowel syndrome is a concomitant phenomenon. They are felt in the umbilical region.
  3. Bloating - precedes the urge and decreases after defecation.

Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation

In this pathological condition, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Emptying of the intestine occurs 2-3 times a week.
  2. Constipation with IBS is accompanied by colic, which are of a lasting character (they stop only after defecation).
  3. The feces are dense with admixtures of clear or white mucus.
  4. With constipation, there may be a violation of appetite, heartburn and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Irritable bowel syndrome - flatulence

This third type of pathological condition. Such IBS irritable bowel syndrome has the following symptoms:

Bear disease - treatment

Therapeutic course should prescribe gastroenterologist. Before making an appointment, he will recommend that the patient undergo a thorough examination. This approach will exclude the presence of other dangerous diseases of the digestive tract. Diagnostics includes the following procedures:

Syndrome of irritable bowel treatment involves a complex. It is aimed not only at eliminating pathology, but also at the factors that provoked its development. For this reason, the bear (in all its variations) the disease, in addition to drug therapy, is treated with the help of such procedures:

  1. Psychotherapeutic effects on the body - since diarrhea is more often a consequence of stress, it is important to adjust the body's response to nervous overexertion. Often, the elimination of internal fears, complexes and other bearish disease provoking problems is carried out with the help of special drugs - sedatives and antidepressants. They should appoint a psychotherapist.
  2. Adjusting diet - a diet with irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence or another variation of bearish disease is developed individually. It must take into account the characteristics of the patient's body and its associated diseases.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Drug therapy depends on the type of ailment that is diagnosed in the patient. Here's how to treat irritable bowel syndrome when the pathology is accompanied by diarrhea:

When constipation is accompanied by a bearish illness - how to get rid of the disease knows the doctor. He prescribes more often such drugs:

In the fight against spasms and painful sensations, such drugs are effective:

Irritable bowel syndrome - folk remedies

Before using alternative methods it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist. He knows how to treat bear illness. Self-healing can also cause serious harm. When combating SRK, such folk remedies can be used:

  1. Peppermint - this medicinal plant relieves of painful sensations, flatulence and spasms of the stomach. It can be added to salads or used as a healing broth.
  2. Apples - consumption of these fruits improves the digestive tract and reduces intoxication of the body. It is necessary to eat 1 fruit a day, and the symptoms of IBS will become less obvious.
  3. Aloe juice - helps to get rid of constipation and improves the work of the digestive tract. For this, the fleshy part of the plant is ground into a slurry and squeezed out the juice. Then 1 teaspoon of this medicinal product is mixed with a glass of boiled water cooled to room temperature. This miracle cocktail you need to drink before eating.
  4. Ginger with cinnamon - these additives can be cooked various dishes. These spices help get rid of flatulence and discomfort.

Diet in irritable bowel syndrome

The role of nutrition is difficult to overestimate. During an exacerbation, you should stop consuming fatty, spicy foods, caffeine, smoked foods and alcohol. Food for irritable bowel syndrome should include such products: