Yoga for Beginners for Weight Loss

Today, yoga is very popular for beginners for weight loss. Of course, for whatever purpose you join this movement of the Indian practical philosophy, it will bring you a multifaceted benefit that will have a beneficial effect on different spheres of life, as well as on health, both physical and spiritual.

Yoga for beginners: a set of tips

Beginning to study yoga is in a group with a good teacher. If you do not have such an opportunity, try using the video for this. Guided by such advice, you will soon achieve success:

  1. Start with simple standing poses, even if they seem too simple.
  2. Pay attention to the small details in the description and follow them exactly.
  3. In yoga, it is very important to correctly place the center of gravity - work on it.
  4. Begin by mastering the simplest version of each exercise.
  5. Alternate stretching and tension.
  6. Alternate deflections and inclinations.
  7. Do not exercise through pain.

Remember - even yoga for beginners - not fitness . This is a much more complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and it should be taken very seriously and cautiously.

Yoga: a set of exercises for beginners

You can very easily master yoga, if you do not tackle too complicated elements and start with what really works for beginners.

  1. Tadasana or the pose of the mountain. Stand up steadily, hands on each side, feet together. Combine complete straightening and relaxation. Imagine how your feet let the roots into the ground. Breathing is free.
  2. Urdhva-hastasana, or the pose of "hands up." From the previous position, raise your hands above your head and fold your palms together. Stretch upward, stretching the spine. Look up, breathe freely. After a while, go down and exhale. Repeat three times. You do everything right if you feel a sprain and a tingling sensation in your fingers.
  3. Pada-hastasana (uttanasana), or leaning forward. From the last position with an exhalation lean forward, stretch to the floor with your hands, if you can - touch it. Keep your legs straight. Keep your legs straight, do not bend your knees. Relax your back and "hang" in this position for a while. The main thing is to relax and feel it.

Yoga for beginners is not just exercises for losing weight, but a complex system for enhancing metabolism, improving blood circulation and improving muscles and ligaments. Do not forget that in the classical version of yoga, you need to switch to vegetarian cuisine.