Kitchen table for a small kitchen

Choosing a dining table for a spacious dining room, you will most likely enjoy the selection process, and not solve an important task. Most often, the dimensions of furniture do not play a decisive role. It is quite another matter to buy a kitchen table for a small kitchen. Here you should pay attention not only to the quality of materials from which the table is made, but also to choose such furniture depending on the area of ​​your kitchen. For a small kitchen table must be functional and small in size. When choosing a kitchen table, focus not only on the recommendations of the seller, but, first of all, on their needs and wishes.

Before you go to buy, think about whether a lot of people are dining in your kitchen, whether visitors often come to you. In addition, you should determine in advance the size of the table and its shape, as well as decide where the table will stand: at the wall, the window or in the middle of the room. It is important to remember that between the chairs that will stand at the table and the wall or other furniture should remain at least 40 cm for free passage.

Types of tables for small kitchens

Modern industry provides buyers with a huge selection of tables, among which you can find exactly the one that suits your small kitchen in size and design. The most convenient for such premises is a small kitchen table-transformer. This piece of furniture can easily be turned into either a small dining table or a crockery in which you can store utensils and other kitchen utensils.

Some models of such tables move apart in the middle, and in the interval an additional panel is inserted, due to this the table becomes larger. So the round table can be turned into an oval, and a square one into a rectangular one. In other models, the side parts are pulled out from underneath or folded inwards.

For such a spread out table you can seat several people, and if you add such a table, it will occupy not much space in the kitchen. Another advantage of the table-transformer is the possibility of moving it to any other room, for example, in the living room, and in it you can already feed your guests, not crowded in a small kitchen. And it will be quite easy to do this, because such folding small kitchen tables have, as a rule, low weight.

Tables-transformers are not only square or rectangular, but also round. If your small kitchen is aged in light colors, you can use the glass kitchen table, with which the space of the room will visually expand. Such a table will not clutter the kitchen, because it looks very light and airy.

Tips for designers when choosing kitchen tables

For a small kitchen experts advise to choose the round form of the table. Such a table visually does not look as massive as a rectangular, for example. The absence of corners makes it very convenient for a small company, and the kitchen becomes cozy with it. In addition, such a dining table fits perfectly into any style from high-tech to classics .

A dark-colored table in a small kitchen will look unnecessarily cumbersome. Therefore, an excellent solution is to choose a table with a glass top: it looks elegant and elegant even with dark legs. By the way, in the kitchen table the number of legs can be different: one, two, and four: everything depends on the model. A round wooden dining table with a carved wooden or forged base will look beautiful.

In very small kitchens, the table can be replaced by a flip top or even a bar counter. Or, as an option, a sliding table with the same stools. In the folded form, this furniture will look like an ordinary locker.