PTSR on chlamydia

Usually chlamydia is a hidden disease that gives out its presence at the most negative moment. Even if there are some signs of it, they are often either not noticed at all, or they are confused with other female ailments. That is why the most effective method of diagnosing chlamydia is a laboratory study called PTSR on chlamydia.

A common swab taken from the genitals is not able to establish these intracellular parasites, so scraping is taken from the uterine neck or urethra. Statistics show that standard laboratory tests give accurate results in only 20% of all cases. That is why the most reliable is the analysis of PCR on chlamydia.

What is this research?

Smear PTSR on chlamydia is a microscopic analysis, according to which a biological material is taken from the urethra or secretion of the prostate in men, and the vagina, uterine neck or urethra in women. Such a method of research is practiced by more than one generation of doctors, because it is very simple, does not require additional efforts of doctors and laboratory technicians, is painless, but also not very reliable. And all because the smear is able to establish the disease only when there are already inflamed patches on the mucous genitalia. Also, a test for chlamydia using the PCR smear method indicates only that the body has elevated white blood cells, which may well signal the presence of bacteria, but do not point directly to this fact. After all, inflammatory processes can be caused not only by chlamydia, but also by other viruses and infections, and the level of leukocytes in chlamydia is not always increased.

In pharmacies, there are free-of-charge express tests of PCR of urine on chlamydia, to which a very detailed instruction manual is attached. By the way, anyone can use this method, and at home, but its effectiveness and reliability are very, very doubtful. Therefore, it is worth spending time and money on a visit to a good clinic.

The laboratory method of Chlamydia PCR was and remains the most reliable and fastest method of establishing infectious diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse. It was invented in 1983, and immediately received the title of analysis, capable of "finding a needle in a haystack," namely a fragment of the organism of the causative agent of a disease. PCR analysis for chlamydia can take as a basis blood, urine, scrapings and mucus, while complementing the existing methods of diagnosing diseases.

How is the analysis done?

This is a rather complicated, from the chemical side, procedure that is carried out as soon as possible. To begin with, the particles of the desired organism are extracted from the obtained biomaterial, that is, its RNA or DNA, then the polymerase chain reaction itself occurs, causing a jump in the growth of the number of microorganisms, and finally, with the help of special markers, the presence of fragments of chlamydia is established.

Features of chlamydia analysis by PCR

If the PCR on Chlamydia is negative, and the rest of the analysis indicates the opposite, then it will be rational to do a second study. Depending on the state of human immunity and the time it is infected, PCR can show a negative result even when chlamydia have firmly established in the body. Also, the effectiveness and reliability of the PCR diagnosis of chlamydia depends on how correctly the material was taken and whether the patient was preparing for this procedure. For example, before giving a blood test for PCR on chlamydia, or other biological material, it is worth following the following recommendations:

If the PCR on Chlamydia is positive, and the rest of the tests show the same result, then both sex partners should be treated, and not one of them.