Lesotho - interesting facts

The Kingdom of Lesotho is a small state of southern Africa. Despite its size, the country has many attractions that are interesting to many tourists. Here are some interesting facts about Lesotho that make this country attractive to travelers.

Geographical position

This country already makes its unique geographical position, thanks to which:

  1. Lesotho is one of three countries in the world, which is completely surrounded on all sides by another state, in this case South Africa. The other two countries are the Vatican and San Marino.
  2. The Kingdom of Lesotho is one of the few countries that do not have access to the sea.
  3. An interesting fact about Lesotho is how the state positions itself in the tourist environment. His tourist slogan reads: "The Kingdom in the Sky." Such a statement is not groundless, since the entire country is located above 1000 m above sea level.
  4. 90% of the state's population lives in its eastern part, as the Draka Mountains are located in the west.

Natural resources

The main "highlight" of this African country is its natural attractions . In this vein, the facts about Lesotho are interesting:

  1. This is the only African country where snow falls. It is also the coldest country in Africa. In winter, the temperature in mountainous areas reaches -18 ° C.
  2. It is here that the only waterfall in Africa that completely freezes in winter.
  3. On the territory of the kingdom is the highest diamond mine in Africa. The mine is located at an altitude of 3100 m above sea level. The largest diamond of the century in 603 carats was found here.
  4. Here is one of the most dangerous airports in the world. The take-off and landing line of the airport of Matekane ends above a cliff in 600 m deep.
  5. An interesting fact is that in the whole of Lesotho there are fossilized dinosaur tracks.
  6. Some villages of the state are located in such hard-to-reach places that it is impossible to get to them by road.
  7. Here is the Katze Dam - the second largest dam in Africa.

National Features

No less interesting facts about Lesotho can be learned by getting acquainted with its local population:

  1. The largest city of the state is its capital Maseru . Its population is just over 227 thousand people.
  2. The flag of the kingdom depicts the traditional national hat of the local population - basuto.
  3. The national dress of the Basotho people is a wool blanket.
  4. Local people do not like being photographed. Photography can cause anger in the casual passerby. The exception is the settlements of aborigines on hiking trails.
  5. The country is home to about 50% of Protestants, 30% of Catholics and 20% of Aboriginal people.
  6. Lesotho ranks third in the world for the presence of HIV-infected people.
  7. Sesotho is the name of the dialect spoken by the locals. The second official state language is English.