Kiwi fruit - useful properties

The juicy sour-sweet fruit of kiwi, whose useful properties are huge, is quite popular among people who want to maintain their body in excellent form. Due to its components, it is considered one of the most useful of all berries.

Fruit Composition

Kiwi - an exotic fruit, which is actually a berry, looks like a potato with a slightly rough skin. The flesh of the fetus is greenish in color. You can eat it with a spoon, cutting it in half beforehand.

The benefits of kiwi fruit are simply enormous and have an excellent effect on the entire body. Thanks to the huge content of vitamins, proteins, microelements, fiber, it really can be called a real pantry of nature. The spectrum and amount of vitamins of kiwi fruit is much greater than in any other fruit. So, for example, it has vitamins C, B, A, E, D. In addition, the fruit contains:

Thanks to the huge amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), the value of kiwi is much higher than that of lemon and Bulgarian pepper.

Properties of fruit kiwi

If you use this berry for food every day, then the body's protective functions are activated quickly, immunity improves, and stress resistance increases. In addition, the beneficial properties of kiwi fruit will have a beneficial effect on the following:

Kiwi can prevent the development of quite serious and dangerous diseases due to the fact that it inhibits the oxidative processes occurring in the body. So, for example, scientists recommend to actively eat kiwi for the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer 's and Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, the formation of malignant tumors.

With regular use of kiwi food, you can even prevent the appearance of gray hair and rejuvenate the body. The flesh of the fruit is consumed both in food and in the form of cosmetic masks. Active substances and vitamins saturate the skin and make it more elastic and velvety.

Fiber, contained in kiwi, will help cleanse the entire body of unnecessary toxins and toxins. If you regularly eat on an empty stomach one by one, then the bowel will work soon and you can forget about such a problem as constipation. Eating one fruit before eating can thereby activate the secretion of gastric juice and improve appetite. This tasty remedy is recommended for adults and children who eat poorly or have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kiwi and slimming

Many girls who follow health and use different diet for weight loss, kiwi fruit is one of the main in their diet. Thanks to the enzyme actidin, which is quite abundant in berries, there is an active splitting of proteins and fats. This helps to improve the process of digesting food. Many specialists and nutritionists recommend eating it after eating or at least twice a day. In this case, eat the fruit preferably 30 minutes after eating. This will not only saturate the body with useful substances, but will also make the intestine work more actively. In addition, the fruit, like grapefruit, removes from the body excess cholesterol and toxins.

During the period of weight loss, when the skin can suffer most, it is thanks to kiwi that the formation of new collagen fibers is activated, and, consequently, the skin will remain firm and fresh.