Bella Thorn, along with her friend, celebrated the Day of Bisexuality

American singer and actress Bella Thorne, who many know on the series "Dance Fever" and the film "The Simpleton", this summer broke up with her boyfriend Gregg Salkin. No sooner had the fans come to their senses from this news, as at the end of August Bella confessed her bisexuality by publishing a photo of her on her Twitter page.

Great Day of bisexuality!

A few days ago Thorne posted another interesting picture on the web. On it, she, along with her best friend Bella Pendergast, slept under a blanket in a tent. Fans immediately decided that the two Bell connects not only friendship, but something more, and were right. After the photo, the actress wrote the following words:

"An excellent Day of bisexuality! I went with my beloved and best friend Bella. Now it seems to me that this event will be imprinted in my memory for many years, bringing with me only the most tender and romantic memories. I'm glad that I confessed my bisexuality. I believe that people will be happier because they accept themselves as they are. The day of bisexuality should be celebrated more than once a year, and every day, when you realize that you are happy about it. Accept each other and rejoice at each moment when you are near. "
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Day of celebrating bisexuality

Every year on September 23 in some countries of Europe, Japan and the United States celebrate the Day of celebrating bisexuality. It is designed to make the society pay attention to the problems of bisexual people, because until now many people do not take them seriously. In addition, various events are held to help everyone who wants to learn about the history of bisexual society, their culture, and just ordinary life. So in Queensland there is a masquerade ball with the participation of sexual minorities. In Toronto, starting from September 23, during the week you can watch dances, discussions and dinner parties. And at the University of Texas these 7 days serve as an occasion for discussing gender relations, discrimination, equality and other characteristics of the life of sexual minorities.

If you go back to Belle Thorn, then the 18-year-old actress also began to actively talk about bisexuals. She wrote a small essay that there is a myth about the indecision of "bi," and also published many pictures and happy stories in which the protagonists are bisexual couples.