Loss of baggage at the airport

A rare passenger goes on a trip without luggage, and with him, as you know, anything can happen: he can be confused, sent wrong, broken and even lost. Although the work of modern airlines is sufficiently debugged, yet such troubles sometimes happen. Therefore, it is better to know in advance what to do if you lose your baggage at the airport.

What if I lose my luggage?

If on arrival at the designated point at the airport you did not find your suitcase, you should urgently contact the Lost & Found baggage search service, which is usually located at many airports. In the event that there is no such service, you should contact the representatives of the airline that carried out the flight, since it is she who is responsible for the baggage. Well, and if it was not at the airport, contact the office of the company, which is the national carrier of the visited country. In any case, inform the airline of the loss of luggage before you leave the arrival terminal.

Next, you will be asked to fill out the act, where in English it will be necessary to indicate the appearance of the suitcase - shape, size, color, material and other distinctive features. Also you will need to make a list of things that were in the lost suitcase, and indicate the most approximate value of them. In addition, you will be asked to provide information from your passport, flight details and baggage receipt number. In return, you must give an act with the specified application number and phone number, on which you can find out the fate of your luggage. Many airlines can allocate a small amount for the purchase of basic necessities, usually not more than $ 250.

Usually the search for lost baggage lasts 21 days. In the event that baggage is still not found, the airline carrier is obliged to pay damages. Compensation for loss of baggage is $ 20 for 1 kg of weight, and not weighted baggage is equal to 35 kg. It should be noted that when calculating compensation, the airline is not interested in the contents of luggage, so it is better to keep expensive items with you and carry them in the form of hand luggage .