Monthly after cesarean with breastfeeding

As you know, one of the first signs of the onset of pregnancy is almost always the cessation of menstrual flow. It is for this indicator that the future mommy often begins to understand that in her life very soon there will be serious changes.

During pregnancy in the female body cardinally changes the hormonal background, so it takes some time to restore it after childbirth . The magnitude of this gap is completely independent of how the crumb was born - with the help of natural genera or cesarean section.

However, it is those girls who survived the surgical intervention, are most often interested in when the monthly starts again after cesarean section during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that it is for such women that an unexpected pregnancy may be dangerous, so they want the cycle to be restored as soon as possible.

Can the menstruation begin during breastfeeding after cesarean?

As a rule, during the whole period of feeding the baby with breast milk, there is no menstrual discharge from the young mother. There is even a certain pattern - often menstrual ones come in 2-3 weeks after the woman finally stops breastfeeding.

Nevertheless, the organism of each young mother is individual, so the time of the onset of the first menstrual period after cesarean can vary greatly. Usually it happens in the period from 2 weeks to 6 months after the end of breastfeeding, but in some cases it can happen much earlier, even before the moment when the girl decided to finally give up feeding the crumbs with her milk.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that non-admission of the monthly and continued feeding of the baby does not mean that the woman can not be pregnant again. Contrary to popular belief, the absence of menstrual excretions does not mean absence of ovulation, which means that the conception of a new life during this period is quite possible, although it is unlikely.