How much blood goes after a medical abortion?

Not always in life everything goes according to the planned plan. Sometimes a woman is forced to go to an abortion, and wants to know how much blood goes after a medical abortion.

What is a chemical (medical) abortion?

As you know, the interruption of pregnancy by surgery is very traumatic for the female body and carries a high probability of complications in the future. An alternative is a so-called pharmacological abortion with the use of tablets that force the body to tear off the fetal egg. How many days the blood goes after medical abortion depends on the specific female body, there is no clear time frame.

Admission of the first drug blocks the production of progesterone, and the female body is no longer tuned to maintain a pregnancy. The second tablet leads to stimulation of contractile activity of the uterus and expulsion of the fetus.

Advantages of a pharmacy

Modern gynecologists recommend conducting a drug interruption, instead of the traditional surgical or vaccum-aspiration. This method is recognized by WHO as the safest. Its pluses include:

  1. The least impact on the female body.
  2. A low percentage of complications after the procedure.
  3. Absence of anesthesia.
  4. Relative painlessness.
  5. Does not affect the fertility of women in the future.
  6. Great difference in psychological terms from the usual.
  7. Because of the lack of surgical intervention, less blood loss.
  8. A quick return to normal life - within 1-2 hours.

Disadvantages of velvet abortion

But, despite all the advantages of drug interruption, there are some nuances here - pregnancy should not go beyond the required period (42-49 days from the start of the last period), or 6-7 weeks. Among the shortcomings, mention should be made of:

  1. Medications do not interrupt ectopic pregnancy.
  2. If for some reason the abortion does not occur and the fetus develops further, the possibility of congenital malformations is very high.

Algorithm of medical abortion

A woman who chooses this method should know what to expect from the procedure. After passing the standard ultrasound examination and taking the tests to the patient:

  1. Give the first pill in the presence of health workers. It can cause a slight nausea and smearing discharge or nothing will happen. It takes some time.
  2. After, the patient takes the second remedy according to the doctor's choice. At this stage, the secretions may increase, but not until the bleeding state. After 3-6 hours, the fetus is ejected in the form of regular menstruation.
  3. After two weeks, a control ultrasound is performed.

The way the blood goes after the medical termination of pregnancy does not depend on the doctor. Every female organism reacts in its own way. Most often bleeding is small, as with menstruation and lasts about 7-10 days.

In rare cases, the bleeding may be delayed until the next menstruation. This is also normal, provided that it gradually comes to naught. But if the blood abruptly ceases to go or in one hour a woman is forced to replace two large pads, then urgently need help from gynecologists.