Cast iron oven for cottages

For a small dacha, especially if no one lives permanently there, a cast-iron stove is simply necessary, it can quickly warm up the house and is easy to operate. It does not depend on external communications, from the supply of gas or electricity. Cast iron is resistant to high temperatures, can quickly heat up and give off heat. Due to the large wall thickness and corrosion resistance, such an oven can be used for many years. Transparent screen is a beautiful interior solution. It is easier to install such a furnace than to build a brick structure.

Kinds of furnaces from pig-iron for a summer residence

There are three main types of cast iron heating units for dachas:

The optimal solution for a dacha is a long-burning cast iron furnace that does not require a long-term firing and the heat transfer rate does not suffer. The device doses air, causing the fuel to smolder, and not burn. This option is very economical. Long-burning furnaces can work on any kind of fuel, but the best effect is achieved when using dry wood.

Russian cast iron wood stoves for dachas are reliable and of high quality, they are able to heat a large area with economical fuel consumption. As a rule, in order to choose a cast-iron oven for a dacha, you need to take into account the area of ​​the heated room. For a large house, you can use a version of the oven with ducts of convection type or water radiators with the help of piping.

Home heating furnaces are a classic option, the reliability and efficiency of which has been tested over time. They create a special atmosphere, comfort and comfort in the house.