Madonna wants to take the adopted daughter of Mercy

Madonna's pop diva again has troubles in the family. Only she has established friendly relations with her son Rocco, as she again has to fight for one of her children. This time, the scandal erupted around her adopted daughter, Mercy.

Relatives of the girl want to take her to the family

Despite the fact that Madonna adopted Mercy in 2009, Agata Molanda, a close friend of the late mother of the girl, made a loud statement. "We will sue the pop diva, because it is wrong to raise a child away from her biological family. We gave the baby to the orphanage before 6 years old, because we believe that if the mother of the child dies after the birth, then this is nothing but witchcraft. Up to 6 years on such children there is also a "sorcerer's seal", and they very often get sick. We - a poor family and treat the girl, if she croaks from the ailment, we have no means. That's why we gave it to the upbringing in the shelter, because it is known that there they could take care of it better than we did. However, now Mercy has already turned 6 years old and according to our customs, if the child survived, then he developed immunity to witchcraft, which means that the girl now must return to the family, "said Agata.

In addition to Molanda, Grandma's grandmother delivered a speech: "I've always been against her adoption. And I agreed to it only by the fact that I was promised that the girl would be better, and she would often see me. However, I was deceived. I do not see a child for very long. I will sue Madonna. She must answer for the deception. "

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Pop diva has not yet commented on these statements

The singer herself has not yet made any statements on this matter. However, in the press there was a small interview with the representative of Madonna: "What the grandmother says is an absolute lie. From Mercy, no one ever hid the place of its origin and biological relatives. Mercy visits them every year in Malawi, where they live. However, there can be no question of her returning to that family. The lawsuit that Grandmother and Agatha want to arrange will not lead to anything, except that Mercy will experience the most severe stress, and this is very harmful for her. "