Feces of yellow color

Talk about feces in general and its coloring in particular, many are embarrassed even with professionals. In fact, there is nothing shameful in discussing this topic. Moreover, the color of the stool can tell a lot about the state of health. For example, yellow feces are often regarded as an alarm signal. And if the yellowish color of feces persists for a long time, a person should seek help from a specialist and undergo a full examination.

Why is feces light yellow?

The color of the feces is affected by a special substance contained in the blood, stercobilin. It is this that makes the feces reddish-brown. Bilirubin is responsible for the production of this substance. And if the amount of the latter in the blood sharply decreases, the feces get an unhealthy yellowish shade.

The reasons for staining the feces in yellow can be quite a lot. The main ones are:

  1. In addition to bilirubin and stercobilin, the color of the stool is influenced by food. If dairy products, vegetables and fruits containing carotenoids or other yellow-orange pigments predominate in a person's diet, the color of his feces will acquire a corresponding shade.
  2. Very often yellowed feces indicate problems with the liver and gall bladder, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, cytomegalovirus , mononucleosis.
  3. The color of feces changes due to increased fermentation in the intestine.
  4. Sometimes feces of light yellow color become a consequence of acute bacterial intestinal infection.
  5. A common cause is enzymatic pancreatic insufficiency. Deficiency of enzymes necessary for normal digestion interferes with the complete splitting of fats. Undigested fats get into the stool and color them.
  6. Yellow feces are one of the symptoms of intestinal flu. It is a disease of dirty hands, which is transmitted by airborne droplets.
  7. Feces of bright yellow color accompany the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis .
  8. Celiac disease is not the most common disease in which the body can not absorb gluten.
  9. Hormonal failures are difficult to tolerate by any organism. Sometimes the color of feces changes on this background. In the fair sex this often occurs during pregnancy, with menopause and against the background of problems associated with violation of the menstrual cycle.
  10. Specialists had to deal with neurological causes. In some patients feces turn yellow due to emotional stress, depression, stress, and intense excitement.
  11. Pale yellow stool can signal a lambliasis infection of the intestines with parasites.
  12. Negatively, the body is affected by certain medicines: antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives and antimicrobial agents.
  13. Yellow feces during rehabilitation after surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are absolutely normal.

Treatment of stool yellow-green

The choice of treatment depends entirely on what caused the color changes in feces:

  1. The problem with an overabundance of carotenoids in feces will resolve the exclusion from the diet of products containing these pigments.
  2. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet will help.
  3. Neutralize the destructive effect of antibiotics with probiotics.
  4. The work of the pancreas is easily restored due to enzymatic agents and antispasmodics.

Complicated and neglected cases often require surgical intervention. Therefore, the sooner you turn to a specialist, the easier and faster the treatment will be.