Sacrament of infant baptism

The sacrament of infant baptism today is surrounded by a mass of superstition. Many parents, listening to their friends and relatives, come to the conclusion that with the help of this rite they will save their child from illnesses, he will sleep better and be calmer. In fact, the sacrament of the child's baptism consists in the baby entering the Church. This ceremony allows the child to receive from God the grace of the Holy Spirit. Also, baptism helps the child grow spiritually, strengthen in his faith and love for God and neighbor.

Unfortunately, many parents baptize their children, paying tribute to fashion. Without going into the intimate meaning of the sacrament of infant baptism, parents are able, willy-nilly, to violate certain rules of the rite, which are extremely important for the baby. And since the sacrament of the child's baptism is his spiritual birth, he should be well prepared.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism

First of all, parents and future godparents should visit the church where the baptism will be held. For the rite itself you will need: a cross for your child, a christening shirt, a towel and candles. All these attributes can be purchased at the church shop. According to the tradition, the cross and the icon with the image of the patron are given to the child by his godparents. Before the baptism of parents and the godfather, one should confess in the church and take communion.

Parents should know that as godparents one can not choose: monks, persons under the age of 13, spouses.

How is the sacrament of baptism?

The modern rite of baptism is based on a passage from the Bible, where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ. The sacrament of baptism of babies is the triple immersion of children into the water and the recitation of certain prayers. In some cases, it is allowed to pour the baby three times with water. Here is what the ordinance of the sacrament of infant baptism looks like:

In ancient times, children were baptized on the 8th day of birth. In modern society, compliance with this rule is not necessary. But parents who want to baptize a child on day 8, remember that a woman is not allowed to visit the church for 40 days after childbirth. In this case, the child is in the hands of the godmother, and the mother stands at the entrance to the church.

During the rite of baptism, the child is given the name that is present in the Saints. Previously, it was customary to give the baby the name of Saint, who was born on the same day. Today, a child can be baptized with any name. If the name that parents gave their babies at birth is absent from the Fathers, then the priest chooses a name that is consonant for baptism.

Children under the age of 7 years for baptism need only the consent of their parents. At the age from 7 to 14 years for baptism, the consent of the child is also necessary. After 14 years, the consent of the parents is not required.

Along with the sacrament of baptism, the sacrament of chrismation is performed. Chrismation is a mandatory rite before communion, which takes place either on the day of baptism, or after some time after it.

The sacrament of infant baptism is a very important and sacred rite, to which parents should be treated with all responsibility. Baptism opens the door for the child in the spiritual world, and in this he needs the support of his parents.