Noah is the only person who saved the dinosaurs from the Flood!

Evidence has been found that on the Noah's Ark, people fled from the Flood along with dinosaurs.

The history of the ark built by Noah to save his family and animals from the flood is familiar to every child. It is commonly believed that Noah took on the direction of the Lord a ship for a couple of impure and seven pieces of all the existing pure animals. Students of one of the technical American universities studied the calculations for the construction of such an ark and Bible books - and came to the conclusion that it could fit at least 70,000 animals. Could dinosaurs have been among those who set foot on the ark? Modern scientists claim that yes - and they have every reason to do so.

Did the person live at the same time with dinosaurs?

The official theory about the origin of life on planet Earth says that the first organisms appeared on it about 3 billion years ago. Now it is not possible to find out the truth of such judgments, since representatives of the most ancient animal world have not been discovered even during one of the archaeological excavations conducted around the world. Dinosaurs were not pioneers: the first representatives of this species lived on Earth 220 million years ago. Different species of this animal evolved, died out and migrated on Earth for at least 160 million years.

Representatives of the science of the twentieth century developed a point of view according to which dinosaurs died from another natural cataclysm-the flood, frosts or global warming. 20 years ago, the idea that a person could not only find a dinosaur alive, but also exist side by side with him for many years, was categorically rejected. But even then the cave paintings and written documents found in Asia and Europe with references and images of large pangolins raised questions. For example, in the year 900, an Irishman described his encounter with "a large animal with thick paws and a powerful tail, as well as a spine covered with huge spines." On engravings that appeared in the cathedral Carlisle in the UK in the XV century depicted lizards, which are not confused with other animals, even a small child.

The church book of 1405, found in one of the English villages, says:

"Not far from the city of Bures, near Sudbury, to the great regret of the whole people, recently appeared a dragon, a huge body, with a crest on its head, with teeth like teeth of a saw and a tail of incredible length. He killed a shepherd and devoured a lot of sheep. "

There are a lot of such evidence on the planet ... Drawings, figurines of dinosaurs, painting on pitchers, depicting scenes of battle between humans and pangolins ... Scientists who support the alternative theory of the 21st century, who replaced the conservative judgments of the last century, reasonably do not seek rebuttal to the fact that people were neighbors of dinosaurs.

In modern science, a more viable theory comes to the forefront: dinosaurs have fallen a victim to humans, like many other animals, extinct because of human activities - deforestation, pollution of rivers, other interference in the environment. The Chinese, for example, say that some dragon dinosaurs are still alive. In the calendar by which this country lives, eleven animals, whose existence there is no point in refuting is a snake, a dog, a horse, a monkey, a rat and other living things. The dragon is considered to be the twelfth, because the inhabitants of China do not even doubt that he lived on the Earth.

Evidence of the dinosaurs on the Noah's Ark

The main and most important evidence that dinosaurs were among the number of animals saved by Noah was the size of the ark itself. Its length was 144 m, and width - 24 m. Forest and domestic animals do not take up so much space to build and launch such a huge ship. By the same analogy, the proof that the lizards boarded the ark can be considered its impressive carrying capacity, with which no other ship can compete in the history of mankind.

In the Bible and the book of Job, the fact of the salvation of the dinosaurs is repeatedly emphasized and perceived by Noah as a chronicle of the past. As far as we know, God warned Noah of the planned flood and helped him find a way of salvation from the elements. At the same time, God demonstrated power to people - apparently trying, like Noah, to return them to faith and renounce sins. How did he show his power? Job states:

"In his power, God referred to the largest animal that eats grass as a wolf; Here is his strength in his loins and his strength in the muscles of his belly; he turns his tail like a cedar; The veins on his thighs are intertwined; His feet are like brass pipes; His bones are like iron bars; This is the height of the ways of God: only He who made him can draw his sword to him. "

In addition, not all types of dinosaurs had huge dimensions, hardly able to fit on the ship. It is known that there were animals on the ark, which, after landing on land, quickly gained weight exceeding their initial weight by 3-5 times. The reality of everything that is written in the Bible confirms the scientific fact that the first 5 years of life all dinosaurs had a modest size, and then there was a sharp jump in growth, during which they gained up to 3-5 tons of weight per year! It turns out that Noah took on the ark young dinosaurs survivors of the Flood and continued to live in peace with a man before the tragedy that caused the extinction of these amazing animals ...