What does colostrum look like?

During the preparation of the organism for the forthcoming breastfeeding of an infant, a special secret - colostrum - begins to be allocated to future or young mothers from the mammary glands. This fluid is extremely important for the development of lactation, however, not all women understand what it is. In this article we will tell you what colostrum looks like during pregnancy, and what elements are included in this valuable and nutritional secret.

What does colostrum look like in pregnant women?

By its structure colostrum is a watery liquid, which has a slightly yellowish tinge. Meanwhile, over the course of time, its appearance changes quite strongly. So, if the colostrum appears early in pregnancy, it looks like a thick, sticky liquid of yellow color. In most cases, the secret is released in small quantities, so the future mother only occasionally notices on the bra the characteristic droplets.

As the generic process approaches, this fluid becomes more transparent and acquires a whitish hue. As a rule, 1-2 weeks before the appearance of the baby, the allocated colostrum looks exactly the same as after the birth, and resembles the established breast milk in its structure.

Colostrum is characterized by high fat content, it is even more caloric than the breast milk of a nursing mother. It contains such important substances for the baby as proteins, fats, milk balls, vitamins A, B, C and E, specific colostrum, as well as various minerals.

Isolation of colostrum at any time of pregnancy, and also after it is not a cause for concern - it only indicates the preparation of the woman's organism for the forthcoming breastfeeding of the baby. Meanwhile, the future and young mothers must always pay attention to the appearance of the secret. If the bra remains stained with a purulent or bloody substance, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a detailed examination.