Recovery after a stroke

Stroke is a very complex lesion of the nervous system of the human body, which arises from a violation of blood circulation in the brain. Accordingly, rehabilitation after a stroke takes a long time and requires special attention.

Areas of damage

During a stroke, the nerve cells of certain parts of the brain die. Therefore, the following violations occur:

Restoration of vision after a stroke

Vision disorders occur mainly due to ischemic stroke. During rehabilitation, you should always consult a qualified ophthalmologist. Drug treatment does not always give good results and may require surgical intervention. The scheme for restoring vision after a stroke includes:

Recovering memory and brain function after a stroke

Memory is gradually restored independently, but in order to speed up this process and restore thinking, it is necessary:

Restoration of motor functions and sensitivity after a stroke

Rehabilitation of motor abilities is perhaps the most difficult stage of the recovery process. It requires regularity and persistence, it takes a long time. We can say that a person who has suffered a stroke needs to learn how to coordinate and implement the movements anew. Rehabilitation period:

1. Perform exercises for recovery after a stroke:

2. Apply massage and self-massage.

3. Attend a neurologist.

4. Use special simulators for recovery after a stroke.

5. Do simple housework.

6. Carry out physiotherapy.

7. Take prescribed medications for recovery after a stroke.

It should be noted that it is very difficult to independently rehabilitate motor activity and sensitivity. It is desirable that close to the patient there is always an assistant, able to support while walking.

As additional measures, restoration after a stroke with folk remedies is used:

Before using the methods of traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with a neurologist. Many herbs have the property of increasing or lowering blood pressure, so they should be selected by a specialist.

With proper care and a favorable clinical picture, complete recovery of the motor functions after a stroke is possible. Naturally, it will take a lot of effort and patience, since The rehabilitation period lasts for several years.

Recovery speech after a stroke - exercise:

In addition, the methods for restoring memory and brain activity are good at coping with aphasia.