Mukaltin for children

Both in winter and in summer - at any time of the year our kids suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. One of the old good medicines, undeservedly forgotten recently, but, nevertheless, not one generation of children saved from a cough - mukultin. In addition to efficiency, it has a significant list of advantages: this is a low price, and availability and low probability of allergic reactions.

Mucaltin: composition

Mukaltin is an enveloping, expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent of plant origin. It is produced in the form of tablets, which need to dissolve or dissolve in a small amount of liquid. The main active substance in its composition is the extract of the althaea medicinal. Due to the action of active substances, mucaltin sputum is liquefied and its coughing is stimulated, a protective film is formed on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which protects from irritation and promotes the fastest recovery.

Mukaltin: use for children

Is it possible for micaltin to children? Due to its plant origin, mild therapeutic effect and low ability to cause allergic reactions, mukultin can be safely used to cure even the smallest patients - children, starting from the age of one year. For children up to one year, mucaltin can be given only on the advice of a doctor who thinks the use of this particular drug is most appropriate.

Indications for the use of mukaltina for children are chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system, which form difficultly withdrawing viscous sputum: tracheobronchitis, lung emphysema, bronchiectasis, pneumonia .

Mucaltin: dosage for children

Children, ranging from one year to twelve years, are given a half tablet of the drug (0.25 mg) 3 times a day. Since the age of twelve, children receive mucaltin already in adult dosage - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day.

How to take mukaltin for children?

It is best to give mukaltin to children one hour before a meal. The minimum interval between taking the drug and eating is 30 minutes. In the evening, mukaltin is given to children 2-3 hours before bedtime. The tablet of the drug is dissolved in half a glass of warm water, sweetening the drink with honey or sugar. You can also dilute the drink with any sweet juice. The course of treatment with mucaltin should not exceed 14 days. If the cough does not become weaker and the condition of the small patient does not improve, you should consult your doctor for additional advice.

Mukaltin: contraindications

Do not give mukaltin to children who have a history of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as suffering from acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach).

Mucaltin: side effects

Although the drug is known for its good tolerability, after its administration, the following side effects may occur:

If these or any other side effects are found after applying mucaltin, it should be stopped immediately and consult a qualified doctor.

Also, you should not combine mucaltin with other expectorants . The joint administration of mucaltin and drugs containing codeine may make it difficult to cough up phlegm.