Organic Cotton

Choosing clothes, we are increasingly faced with the labeling of organic cotton, that is organic cotton. According to the manufacturers of such clothes, it is absolutely safe for humans, has hypoallergenic properties and creates an optimal microclimate for the organism. Such products cost much more than those that are made of ordinary cotton. What does "organic cotton" mean, and is it worth paying for such fabric and clothing made from it, more?

Advantages and features

Clothing made from organic cotton, the demand for which increases, is entitled to a label marked organic only if the raw material for its production has been grown without harming the environment. Such cotton is grown on farms that are located in ecologically clean regions, and in their activities do not use pesticides, insecticides, herbicides. The number of pests, insect parasites, weeds is increasing, as is the return from existing cotton plantations. Just think: over the past 90 years, the fields on which this culture is grown have remained unchanged, and the volumes of raw materials received from them have increased thirty-fold! At the same time, the number of poisonings from pesticides increased. In farms that grow organic products, pest control is conducted using natural natural substances (soap, chili, garlic, and so on). Fertilizers are also used organic (compost, manure), and to increase the volume of raw materials, agrarians adhere to the principles of crop rotation.

American organic cotton is collected by hand. Due to this, there are no such impurities as foliage, particles of capsules, and cotton itself is ripe. Organic farms have abandoned genetically modified seeds, but are open to the introduction of energy-saving technologies. It is these advantages that stand behind the small birochures on which organic cotton is written.

Underwear, shirts, T-shirts and other organic cotton products are suitable for everyone, but for those with sensitive skin, such clothes are ideal because of the lack of pesticides, heavy metals, harmful dyes and bleach bleaches in the fabric.