How to remove paint from walls?

This is now the time of decorative panels , fillings and plasterboard, and in the days of the Union, the painting of the walls was even considered chic. And now we have to worry for hours, trying to somehow remove the old paint from the walls. We will try to give here the most well-known variants, and let the reader choose from our list the most suitable and accessible method for himself.

How to remove paint from the wall:

  1. Use of solvents. First, using a roller or a brush, the reagent is applied to the surface, then some time is given to allow the paint to soften, after which it is removed with a spatula or a scraper. The smell in the workplace will be unbearable, it is better not to work without protective measures, therefore this method is used most often only in small areas.
  2. Burning. Method, how to remove paint from the walls, using a burner, we do not recommend. It is quite dangerous and troublesome, and in an apartment with poor ventilation and without a gas mask, it is generally forbidden to use it.
  3. A solution based on soda ash and lime. This fluid is not as poisonous as the solvent, it is safer to work with it. 1.2 kg of quicklime and 400 grams of soda are bred in water to form a thick milk. Apply this product to the surface and wait for 12 hours, then start removing the paint from the walls. This reagent is much weaker than the solvent, but in some cases it helps.
  4. Building hair dryer. More advanced ways how to remove old paint from walls is the use of electric tools. The surface is heated by the phenome, and the softened paint is easily removed with a spatula or other sharp object, which is suitable as a scraper. You can not use this device near electrical wiring and plastic decorative coating, high temperature can damage them.
  5. Bulgarian and puncher. The first tool, if it's a conventional design, is dusty enough and after a while you have to wait until the cloud of dirt settles, and then a grandiose cleaning after repair is expected. But there are already modern appliances with a built-in vacuum cleaner, with which it is much more convenient to work. For the puncher, several nozzles have also been invented that help to get rid of paint (chain, crown by brick), which facilitate the work of builders.

If you are all listed ways how to remove paint from the walls, do not arrange, then pick up a sharp hatchet and scratch the old cover slowly on the surface. Dust will be allocated much less than from the Bulgarian, but will have to make physical efforts.