Painted felt boots

Women's felt boots are a fashion trend for the last few seasons. This shoe is incredibly comfortable, practical and warm. In addition, the addition of the image is simple, but elegant notes indicate a subtle taste and a good sense of style.

Today, women's felt boots are very popular. In such models, the main emphasis is not on the shoes themselves, but on the choice of the color solution. You can buy the most common felt boots from coarse wool or gloomy color, but if they are supplemented with an interesting print or a bright drawing, then, believe me, no one can pass by a girl in such unusual shoes.

Designer painted felt boots

Painted felt boots are not shoes of scale production. Each model is decorated by hand, which means it is unique. However, every fashionable woman can order such shoes. Indeed, because of the popularity of beautiful boots, many masters provide the service of painting on them.

The most popular topic for painting valenoks are flowers and fruits. Most often, designers choose the direction in the style of Zhostovo, where interesting bouquets are combined with the play of colors. However, monophonic compositions are also a fashionable decor for boots. Girls choose the flower theme, because such prints give the image femininity, beauty, romanticism. And in the gloomy cold weather, painted shoes will be a bright and original end of the onion.

The novelty of the last season was designer painted felt boots with a 3-D image. Masters perform whole pictures with animals, birds or abstractions. The fashionable theme of this winter was the cartoon characters "The Hedgehog in the Fog". Fairy-tale creatures are also represented in New Year's models. Valenki with a picture of Santa Claus, deer and snowman - an excellent addition to the holiday image.