What does selenium contain?

This microelement is simply necessary for the smooth functioning of many body systems, for example, immune and cardiovascular, so if you want to be healthy, you need to know where much selenium is contained and add these foods to your diet.

What does selenium contain?

Most of this element contains products such as corn, coarse flour, bran , mushrooms and sprouted wheat grains, it is them that should be included in your diet in the first place. Lovers of seafood are also constantly replenishing the amount of this substance in their bodies, cooked sea fish, shrimp, mussels, squid and crabs are also dishes containing the most selenium. The list of beef kidneys, heart, liver, and yolks of chicken eggs, rich in this microelement, closes the list of products containing them, the content of the substance will be slightly lower than in the same bran, but still it can not be called an insignificant quantity. Please note that heat treatment reduces the amount of selenium by two or three times, of course, there is no raw meat, but if it is necessary to urgently increase the level of the microelement in the body, it is better to choose those products that do not need to be exposed to high temperatures, such as bran.

Since this microelement is not only found in animal products and crops, but also in herbs, it is worth mentioning which plants contain selenium. The nettle, hawthorn , scarlet, eucalyptus, chamomile, peppermint will help replenish the deficit of this substance. Decoctions made from these herbs are taken inside. The easiest way to prepare a decoction of mint or chamomile is to take a filter bag with dried grass, pour it with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes, after that the ready-made formula can be drunk, just do not take more than 1 serving of such tea a day .