
"Bicycles", "blind glasses" - glasses-tisheydy are to some extent timeless, periodically entering into fashion, but never forgetting at all. Their unusual shape probably attracts us by the fact that it is chosen by celebrities, cult figures, best-selling characters such as Harry Potter, John Lennon, Jean Reno, and Grigory Leps and Ivan Okhlobystin. That is, these glasses automatically become some kind of elite accessory and business card of their owner.

To whom are the Tishades going?

And yet you need, in addition to looking back at celebrities, to follow the laws of fashion and style, if you do not want to look awkward.

Round glasses on the round face will look, frankly, funny. Whereas on an elongated form and with a pointed nose - just perfect. Women's shadows are suitable for girls with long hair and with a square cut .

If you have a square and angular face, sunglasses-tisheyda smooth out sharp features, will make the face more soft and feminine. And for those who have a long nose, a massive chin and the entire lower jaw as a whole, this shape of the glasses will balance the face and skillfully correct it.

With what to wear tisheydy?

Usually such accessory as glasses, is selected to clothes, instead of on the contrary. On the same person, depending on his style and clothes, they can look harmonious or ridiculous. For example, it's completely inappropriate to wear them with sportswear, they also do not combine with romantic, elegant styles.

Their rightful place is creative images. They perfectly complement them, probably because of this and are remembered more than other variants of glasses. They need to be worn with bright and catchy things, non-standard in texture and cut. So usually rockers and hippies look, and sometimes fans of the style of the military.

But if you want to create an image of a clever and intellectual with their help, wear classic and strict clothes and the same additional accessories with silks.