Peeling of skin on the legs

Dry and flaky skin on the legs not only spoils the external appearance, but also brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, because, as a rule, this condition is accompanied by itching. To return the legs softness is not difficult, but for this it is necessary to find out the cause of the ecdysis.

Allergies and skin diseases

Sometimes peeling of the skin of the legs (on the fingers, heels, calves) is due to a disease or allergic reaction. This condition can be a manifestation of mycosis, herpes zoster, dermatitis, eczema, etc. Often, itching and dryness of the skin are an adverse reaction of the body to infection or allergen (animal hair, dust, food, drugs).

As soon as your legs have ceased to be soft, there is itching, redness or flaking, you need to see a dermatologist. Self-medication in this case will do harm, as the use of the wrong medicines or folk remedies will only smear the clinical picture.

Dryness of the skin

Most often, strong peeling of the skin of the legs is due to dryness, which leads to:

Especially the itching and flaking of the skin of the legs is disturbed in the cold season, when the air in the room is heated by heaters, and without a pair of warm tights and boots, the skin is on the strength of eight hours a day.


With the advent of spring, the body begins to suffer from a lack of vitamins A and E, which often causes skin peeling between the toes and on the soles of the feet. Also, this condition characterizes the deficiency of zinc.

To replenish the stock of these nutrients, it is effective to take vitamins (complex). They can also be obtained with food. Especially useful for the skin are foods rich in beta-carotene: green peas, oysters, sea buckthorn, carrots. To carotene, it is necessary to consume more vegetable oils and cabbage. Supplementing the menu with meat, nuts and beans, you can make up for the lack of vitamins B, also necessary for skin health. An equally important vitamin D is found in yolks and dairy products.

Treatment of peeling

If skin problems are caused by a disease, the dermatologist prescribes the necessary therapy. In other cases, peeling of the skin on the legs will help simple treatment at home. It should begin with proper care of the legs.

If the scaling of the skin of the legs is strong, it is useful to supplement daily care with special wraps.

Wraps from skin peeling

Wraps for the legs are carried out according to the following procedure: the mixture is applied to the skin, the top is wrapped with food film or polyethylene, warm warm leggings or socks are worn. After 20-30 minutes, the therapeutic mass is washed off with warm water. Below are a few recipes to eliminate peeling of the skin on the legs for several procedures.

Attention! If the wraps did not help with peeling of the skin on the legs for 2 weeks, a trip to the dermatologist is extremely necessary to repeat!