Bend of the cervix of the gallbladder - symptoms and treatment

As the long-term medical experience shows, it is often necessary to encounter symptoms and treatment of the inflection of the cervix of the gallbladder. The problem occurs not only in adults. Very often it appears in toddlers, and even when they are in the womb of the mother.

Causes of inflection of the cervix of the gallbladder

Disease causes different reasons. Many suffer from regular eating disorders. Worst of all, the body suffers prolonged fasting, alternating with sudden attacks of gluttony.

Twisting can also occur due to chronic cholecystitis or gallstones, mostly sedentary lifestyles or obesity, enlargement of the liver or omission of internal organs.

Symptoms of inflection of the cervix of the gallbladder

In general, the disease runs unnoticed. The patient does not feel any changes, and pains in the right hypochondrium does not pay attention at all. But there are also such cases when the bend of the cervix is ​​signaling itself:

If the disease began long ago, a sharp decrease in body weight is possible.

Treatment of inflection of the cervix of the gallbladder

The most effective is individually selected complex therapy. Patients are advised to regularly do simple warm-up exercises, take cholagogue funds, drink decoctions based on herbs.

In the period of treatment it is important to adhere to a diet. In the diet must necessarily appear sour-milk products, cereals, vegetables, fruits. And from beans, fatty and spicy dishes will have to be abandoned.

Consequences of inflection of the cervix of the gallbladder

Optional consequences of the disease appear immediately. Sometimes they remind themselves of themselves a few years after the diagnosis is made. One of the most serious complications is peritonitis. In addition, stones can appear in the bladder, which, as a rule, is preceded by cholecystitis or dyskinesia of bile ducts .