Peony tattoos - meaning

Tattoos with the image of flowers are popular, not only among women, but also men. Peony in the eastern culture is considered a symbol of the male principle, which means that it is the personification of Yan. Hence the emergence of such values ​​tatu pion, as wealth, luck and youth. The symbolism of such a drawing is quite rich and depends more on the culture.

What does peony tattoo mean?

This flower at any time had only positive value among representatives of different cultures. The only exception is the Hindus, who considered it a symbol of pride. In Western countries in ancient times, the peony, applied in the form of a picture on the body, is a powerful amulet designed for seafarers. It was believed that such a tattoo protects on the road from various problems and death including.

What does peony tattoo mean in different cultures:

  1. Samurais often depicted predators on their bodies along with such a flower, because it was believed that the plant is able to restrain aggression in a person, helping him to achieve harmony.
  2. In China, such a tattoo is considered a symbol of prosperity and prosperity.
  3. In Asian countries, the peony tattoo has its own designation - it is a sign of spring and female beauty. Many girls put such a picture on the body to get married successfully. Even in these countries, the peony represents determination and compassion.
  4. In ancient Greece, such a figure on the body was considered a sign of longevity. Associate it with the doctor Peon, in honor of which this beautiful flower was named.
  5. In ancient Rome, such a tattoo was perceived as the embodiment of complacency and bombast.
  6. In Europe, this beautiful flower is often associated with the Virgin Mary.

Another common value of tattoo pions for girls and men is due to its protective power. People believed that such a drawing would help to protect themselves from various negative, including magical ones.