A totemic animal - how to find out your totem animal by the date of birth and the zodiac sign?

Since ancient times, people have treated animals with respect, believing that their energies can interact. Many peoples have animal symbols, the so-called patrons, who are given certain honors. It is believed that each person has his own defender, who can be determined in many ways.

What is a totemic animal?

An ancient sign or symbol with the image of an animal on it is called a totem. They appeared at a time when people united in tribes and chose among the living beings of the defenders who were worshiped, asking for help. A totemic animal is a symbol of strength with its unique energy that can affect a person. They are close to birth and until death.

Totem animals of the Slavs

Slavic shamans claim that every man has his animal power. Finding out what the totemic animal means, it should be noted that it is also called egregore, and it causes the master to pursue the exploration and development of his inner world . The Slavs created amulets and depicted on them a totemic animal of man, which was determined by meditation or by other means.

Why do we need a totemic animal?

In the modern world, the importance of totems has significantly decreased, and some people are sure that this is not more than fiction. In fact, knowing and interacting with your defender, you can get a huge benefit.

  1. Totem animals of different countries expand the spheres of perception of the surrounding world, due to which it is possible to obtain additional energy.
  2. Characteristics inherent in the egregor help to understand how to properly deal with the difficulties in life.
  3. The totemic animal and predictions by its characteristics give a chance to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a, to reveal talents and develop intuition .
  4. Helps communicate with Higher Powers.
  5. Promotes the unification of people with the same patrons.

How to deal with a totemic animal?

There are several different ways that you can get in touch with your egregore. It is best to have a session in nature.

  1. Having chosen a quiet and secluded place, it is necessary to be placed so that the person looks to the west.
  2. Work with totem animals begins with the lighting of a candle or a fire. Prepare a small amount of water. As a result, four elements will turn out, because there are no problems with land and air in nature.
  3. Close your eyes and start breathing deeply to relax as much as possible. Tell the plot presented below.
  4. Continuing to be in a trance after a while you will be able to notice the appearance of the image of a totemic animal. It is worth noting that some people do not get a "new friend" from the first time, but do not despair, it's normal.
  5. When the image is clear, it is necessary to bow and greet him. After that, you can start communication and ask questions. At the end of the conversation, thank the assistant.
  6. It is important after this to learn the habits and characteristics of your animal, thus showing respect.

"By the forces of the four elements I conjure, my keeper, appear!" I am your master - I challenge you! By the power of water, earth, fire and wind, I conjure my name! The clan is my keeper, my keeper, my protector, totem, appear! "

How to call a totemic animal?

The most common method used to call a helper is meditation, which is performed on the heart chakra and it is located in the center of the chest at the level of the heart. For those who are interested in how to call a totem desire, it is necessary to follow this pattern:

  1. The first thing you need to do is relax to isolate yourself from all external stimuli. It is important to take care that no one bothers.
  2. At the next stage it is necessary to present in front of you an entrance to a cave or a hollow that will help you get to the green meadow.
  3. Enjoy the beauty and unity with nature, which will help to cause a totemic animal. It is important not to fantasize anything, because events should happen by themselves.
  4. Pay attention to the characteristics of the animal, which will help to better analyze its magical power .
  5. Talk to the image, but do it in a respectful way. In the end, express gratitude. It is important to ask the totem to confirm that it will be an assistant for a week. A sign can be anything.
  6. The next step is to return to the cave or the hollow to exit the trance. At the end, take a few deep breaths to get back to reality.

Species of totemic animals

Various representatives of the animal world can be used as assistants. Most often these are animals, but some people have totems as birds, insects and even fish. Finding out what are the totemic animals, it is worth noting that as a rule, they are wild, and not domestic. There are exceptions, but in most cases dogs and cats are designed to establish connection with animals by wildlife. Still it is necessary to say that in rare cases the totem can be a fairy or an extinct animal.

How to find out your totem animal?

To date, there are several ways that you can identify your personal assistant.

  1. You can give a choice to your soul, that is, go to the zoo and listen to the inner sensations.
  2. For those who want to know how to determine their totemic animals, different calendars are offered that are oriented at the date of birth.
  3. There are different tests that give a chance to get an answer in a matter of minutes.
  4. The keeper can come in a dream, the main thing is not to miss and not forget it.
  5. You can learn the totem animal by trusting the subconscious. There are several meditation options that are available for the home.

Totem animal by date of birth

The ancient Slavs had a tradition of attributing a helper to the person on the day of his birth. You can determine the totem animal by year and date of birth, the first option is presented below, and we start with the second one.

  1. From 10.12 to 09.01 - the Bear . Has wisdom and tranquility. For others is a wise mentor.
  2. From 10.01 to 09.02 - Wolverine . Stand out by its strength and organization.
  3. From 10.02 to 09.03 - the Crow . Has well-developed intuition and creativity.
  4. From 10.03 to 09.04 - the Gornostay . He prefers to live his mind independently of others.
  5. From 10.04 to 09.05 - Toad . He prefers stability and confidence in the future.
  6. From 10.05 to 09.06 - The Grasshopper . An optimist who is reliable and often takes risks.
  7. From 10.06 to 09.07 - a hamster . It is lazy, but if it sets a goal, it will be achieved.
  8. From 10.07 to 09.08 - a snail . Likes to fantasize, is friendly and faithful.
  9. From 10.08 to 09.09 - the Ant . Highlights his diligence and patience, but sometimes he is stubborn.
  10. From 10.09 to 09.10 - Soroka . He is an adventurer, who often displays windiness and indecision.
  11. From 10.10 to 09.11 - Beaver . He prefers to manage his life on his own, is hidden and calm.
  12. From 10.11 to 09.12 - the Dog . He is faithful and kind, showing his generosity and unselfishness.

Totem animal by the sign of the zodiac

One of the options for determining his defender is to focus on the location of the Sun in the zodiac.

  1. Aries - the Bull . It has great strength, stubbornness and quick temper, but one should not forget about his wisdom.
  2. Taurus - Bear . Such a totemic animal on a horoscope is the keeper of the family hearth and the protector of mankind.
  3. Twins - Mouse-voles . It is a symbol of financial security and family values .
  4. Cancer is a beaver . It is calm, hardworking and easily adaptable to different conditions.
  5. Leo - The Lion . Proud, peace-loving, reserved and prudent. It is worth noting the excellent charm.
  6. Virgo is a Dog . A faithful friend and protector of people who perfectly feels the emotions of a person.
  7. Libra - The bee . The insect differs in its diligence and activity. It works great in a team.
  8. Scorpio - Cat . The beloved four-legged animal is independent and mysterious.
  9. Sagittarius - Elk . This is one of the most revered defenders of the Slavs, who personifies strength, wisdom and power over circumstances.
  10. Aquarius is the Horse . An excellent assistant to people who has a positive impact on everything around.
  11. Capricorn - Antelope . Among others, the hoof is distinguished by its grace and vigor.
  12. Pisces is a snail . Has a high degree of survival and perfectly adapts to different conditions.

Totemism is Religion

Primitive people built their lives in close interaction with the living beings around them. They believed that there were supernatural connections between them that could be used for good. Such a relationship became the basis for the formation of an ancient religious system, which was called totemism. They chose a patron, based on the features of the animal world of the area. The call of a totemic animal was an important ritual, which was used to express gratitude, obtain information and so on.

What is antitotem?

As you know, light forces are always opposed by evil, and a similar struggle is also observed in totemism. Antitotem is a desecrated animal through which dark forces act. When a person begins to manifest his features, they think that he has lost his way, and leads an unjust life. The reason for such negative changes is that many people indulge their vices and shortcomings, and this is a direct way to the degradation of the individual.