Black and White Magic

At all times, magic served not only as a means of obtaining any benefits, but also was a good source of enrichment for those who deal with it "professionally". Despite the fact that some secrets of black and white magic are known to mere mortals (spells and privoroty), many rituals are subject only to experienced sorcerers. When we decide to solve a particular question through the subtle forces of nature, we sometimes do not understand what kind of magic we will be dealing with. How to distinguish white magic from black, and whether there is a danger in using dark forces. In this we will try to understand.

What is magic?

Magic is a science that studies the subtle forces of nature. The phenomenon itself arose in primitive society, and has been continuously developing ever since. A person learns to approach the secret forces, pursuing various goals. For example, to influence events, feelings of other people, as well as the state of matter. Practical white and black magic uses the following knowledge: conspiracy, divination, astrology, witchcraft, necromancy, medium abilities, and alchemy. The very concept of "magic" goes back to the Sumerian word "wise", and it is not accidental. The use of magic is not such an inoffensive occupation, it requires the sorcerer to have certain knowledge and a sense of responsibility.

The difference between white magic and black

The difference, as is not hard to guess, is that white magic requires clean (at least neutral) energy, as well as pure planetary spirits. She pursues good goals. In addition, white magic does not help achieving what is intended to the detriment of strangers. It is not used as a revenge, etc.

Black magicians call to the aid of dark forces. The purpose of black magic is evil (spoiling, spells , etc.), violence against a person's personality. Therefore, do not be deceived in the existence of the so-called "white charms." No white magician will undertake to tie you to another person, and you yourself, performing the appropriate rituals, will bear full responsibility for their actions. Similarly, white magic does not return unfaithful husbands, does not break the will of a person and does not change his heart attachments.

Few people know that there is a so-called "gray magic", as well as gray magicians. These are the sorcerers who seek help from both good and dark forces. For example, they can use tarot cards "White and black magic" or "Sigils of white and black magic" (magic symbols), which are positioned from the point of view of the unity of the world, recognizing all (including negative) processes.

The Danger of Black Magic

Not every person is able to bear the responsibility for attracting dark forces to his side. If you want illustrative examples, look at the sensational film "The Wars of Black and White Magic", staged in the early 1990s, by Victor Olender.

Calling to the dark spirits, the black magician binds them to himself. There is a deceptive impression that they become his servants. But if the magician decides to get rid of such ministers, they rebel and start to harm him. Dark forces literally demand all new and new "work", they torment their master, so that the number of dark rituals will increase.

To avoid such a process, black sorcerers let go of the spoil, pouring it into the intersection, blowing into the wind, directing on other objects (pins, bundles of feathers, etc.). But in this case innocent people suffer, which become infected with dark forces, as if they were a disease.

Therefore, before entering the world of magic, remember that we ourselves are spirits who are subject to clairvoyance, telepathy, and levitation. To develop these abilities, we must work on ourselves, create our own lives.