Can I get pregnant with chocolate?

Whether it is possible for pregnant women or better to wait with your favorite treat - this question is asked by almost every future mother. It is worth noting that the doctors did not come to a unanimous opinion about whether the chocolate is harmful to pregnant women. So, for example, doctors of the old Soviet hardening strongly recommend to give up chocolate in any quantity to avoid allergic reactions or excessive weight gain . It is fair to say that such doctors, be they will, would prohibit all foods except for natural, natural, but, as a rule, tasteless food. Meanwhile, the future mother needs not only a full-fledged nutrition balance, but also a means for raising the mood and fighting stress, which, in fact, is chocolate.

The benefits of chocolate

Chocolate for pregnant women is a kind of antidepressant. It's no secret that with the change in the hormonal background the woman becomes vulnerable and sensitive, so a small piece of favorite treat will be a real salvation for the nervous system.

Chocolate contains a large amount of calcium and fluoride, which is especially useful for pregnant women, given the constant shortage of trace elements, and the problem with teeth and hair caused by this factor. In addition, cocoa butter cares for tooth enamel, preventing the appearance of plaque.

The idea that chocolate can not be pregnant is often based on the caffeine content in the product. It is worth noting that the amount of caffeine in chocolate is very low, so you do not have to worry about increasing the pressure with a moderate use of the product. On the other hand, caffeine in chocolate during pregnancy (and not only) activates mental activity, relieves anxiety and helps fight depression.

The rules of eating chocolate

Chocolate is a fairly strong allergen. That is why, when determining whether it is possible for pregnant women to bitter, white or even hot chocolate, it is necessary to take into account the general reaction of the body to the product. And if you can have chocolate in the first semester, then when you are pregnant late in life, use of the product should be limited, since the unprotected immune system of the baby can not cope with the allergen.

In any case, there should be a measure in everything, so do not take chocolate during pregnancy (and not just at this time) with tiles, especially before going to bed. Also worth paying attention to the quality of the product and the availability of a variety of food additives.