How to see a ghost?

On the basis of a science called parapsychology, it was proved that ghosts exist and represent the etheric body of a person who has not yet departed to another world. Often, wandering ghosts are those who did not accept the fact of their death. The reason for the delay in this world may be some unfinished business that keeps and does not allow to leave. If you want to see a ghost, think for what purpose you need it. Most often these images are seen emotionally mobile people who have a sensitive nervous system that often engage in creative activity. If you do not belong to such people, or you can not achieve what you want, you can use a camera that captures similar phenomena.

How can you see the ghost?

With a huge desire to see the etheric body of the deceased person, it is best to go to the places where it is most likely to meet, namely, in the cemetery or in the roofs, in the cellars of the houses. In advance, arm yourself with the necessary equipment. Do not wait until the image appears on its own, the ghost can stand next to you in its invisible shell, so take pictures of everything, and the technique will fix everything.

How to see a ghost in the mirror?

There is also a ritual that allows you to see a ghost at home. It is used by most mediums. To do this, it is worth taking a church candle, being completely alone and quiet in the apartment. You should sit in front of the mirror, look at the burning candle and talk with the ghost. Soon you will be able to see his image in the mirror.

If you are a person who is afraid of such phenomena and worries about the question of what to do if you saw a ghost, do not worry. You can reassure yourself by visiting the church , praying and putting a candle for the peace of the soul of the person whose ghost you saw.