Pine grease

Pine is widely known for its bactericidal properties. Ancient tribes even practiced treatment in a coniferous forest, leaving the patient alone with nature for a period of several days to a week. It is not surprising that pine grease produces a very beneficial effect on the human body, because it absorbed all the healing substances of this tree.

Pine resin or resin - medicinal properties

This substance has a pronounced antiseptic, wound-healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it perfectly disinfects and anesthetizes, so the pine resin is widely used in the treatment of such diseases:

In addition, the resin is very effective against the symptoms of catarrhal and viral diseases, quickly relieves sore throat, promotes expectoration of dry spit, stops purulent processes with angina, increases the body's overall resistance to bacteria.

Proved the effectiveness of the product in relation to the pathology of the digestive tract - stomach ulcers, gastritis, problems with the intestines.

Pine grease - use and treatment

To prepare a fortifying agent for improving immunity, you need:

  1. 30-40 g of resin freeze, and then grind into powder.
  2. Dry the resin, pour into a dry glass container.
  3. Take half the teaspoon of the medicine received an hour after eating, at least 2 times a day.

Application of pine gum from skin diseases:

  1. Stretch a bandage four times in a well.
  2. Apply for 30 minutes to affected areas.
  3. After removing the compress, wipe the treated area with an antiseptic solution.

With angina, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, infections of the oral cavity, it is recommended to dissolve one-third of a teaspoon of the product or put the same amount of gum under the tongue. The course of treatment can be long - until noticeable improvements are made.

Gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer suggest a very simple use of resin. You need to eat every morning a small sandwich, spreading 5 grams of bread on the bread.

Pine grease oil

Coniferous resin strengthens its therapeutic properties in a mixture with vegetable oils, because it is better absorbed by the body in this form and absorbed into the skin, penetrating into the deep layers.

The recipe for pain in the joints, muscles:

  1. Insist for a week in the refrigerator mixture of gum of pine, vodka and vegetable oil (50 grams).
  2. Strain the solution and pour into a clean jar with a lid.
  3. Rub the painful areas every day before going to bed.

The medicine for mastopathy:

  1. In 100 g of olive oil, dissolve, heating on a water bath, 20 g of pine resin.
  2. Make daily compresses for 35 minutes, after which rub the leftovers of the mixture into the chest.

Ointment from pine resin

The medicinal preparation based on the described substance consists of resin, natural wax and vegetable oils, manufactured according to the traditional recipe.

Ointment is used in such cases:

The product can be used to make candles, impregnate tampons and compresses, dilution with water (for drops and rinses).