Sophora - medicinal properties

Sophora is not for nothing called a "tree from a hundred diseases": this bean plant has a mass of useful properties that people have learned to use for their own good, curing various ailments.

For these purposes, use leaves, buds, seeds and fruits of Sophora, making them special mixtures or using it in its original form.

Crimean or Japanese sofor?

It seems a bit odd that the Japanese Sophora is called Crimean: in fact it is one tree, which is only a guest on the famous peninsula. The mild climate has sheltered the Sophora for a long time, and today every Crimean knows that the Sophora can be used for treatment, despite the fact that all its parts are poisonous.

Given that the софору represents 45 species of trees that can be found in Europe, the Pacific Islands, South America, Australia and South Asia, only one species is used for medical purposes - the Japanese sophora.

About its homeland is not difficult to guess - Japan and China, but also successfully cultivated in the Caucasus and the Crimea. Mostly on these lands, it was planted for decorative purposes, but this did not stop people from seeing in it not only beauty, but also good.

Healing properties of a tree

The properties of Sophora are multifaceted, because it has a very rich composition with a different spectrum of actions.

Healing properties of Sophora and rutin

The healing properties of the Crimean Sophora are due primarily to the fact that its buds and flowers contain up to 30% of this substance. Rutin is the same vitamin PP, and it is also nicotinic acid, which, as is known, is involved in many body processes.

First and foremost, nicotinic acid is necessary for vessels - it is a building material that helps the walls of the vessels to be strong and plastic. Based on flowers and buds make tinctures and extracts to maintain the vascular system. Due to this feature, Sophora lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and makes the nervous system work.

It should also be noted that the leaves of Sophora also partly consist of routine, but in them they are presented in a lower concentration - 16%. Thanks to this substance, sofor is also useful for the skin, because the routine takes an active part in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Also Japanese Sophora has useful properties for GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - cures intestinal disorders, improving peristalsis.

Thanks to the vitamin PP, sophora reduces blood sugar, relieves hypertension, prevents stroke and heart attack.

Useful properties of Crimean Sophora and vitamin C

Sophora has useful properties not only thanks to routine. Contained vitamin C makes the sofora irreplaceable for strengthening immunity, and in combination with nicotinic acid it is very useful for the skin.

Providing anti-inflammatory effect, Sophora helps to get rid of acne and skin diseases, accompanied by itching and irritation.

On this useful properties of Sophora do not end - it is also able to help overcome rheumatism, reduce the symptoms of thrombophlebitis and even measles and typhus.

Useful properties of Japanese Sophora and iodine

Iodine is also found in the fruits of Sophora, and therefore it is often used to treat the thyroid gland. However, in this role, Sophora can act not always, in fact at some diseases of a thyroid gland the iodine is counter-indicative. Therefore, Sophora can successfully cope with health problems if iodine is needed.

Contraindications to the use of Sophora

Whatever good impression does not leave about itself, its application can be dangerous, because it is a poisonous tree. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to engage in self-treatment and before using funds based on Sophora consult with a specialist.

Sophor is contraindicated in children under 14 years of age and in pregnant women.